Скидки и торгование

- Okay, you've chosen Lite Plan with 4GB data, over 24 months. The total monthly payment will be £11 and comes with the benefits of the Three+ Rewards App. Are you happy to proceed?
- 4GB for £11? I need to think and compare with other companies.
-How about we help you get Lite Plan with 12GB data, over 24 months. The total monthly payment will be £12 and comes with the benefits of the Three+ Rewards App.?
- Ok, I will think for a few days and get back to you
- If I may ask, may I know what is stopping you?
- I don't know what are the average prices on the market now
- I understand. I have just checked and since you have been a valuable customer, we have made an exception for you today. Three can offer you Lite Plan with 120GB data, over 24 months for £12.
- ok, let's go for this plan
Вот так за пару фраз удалось за ту-же цену поднять траффик с 4гиг до 120. Мелочь а приятно. Но вот не люблю торговаться, потому что не всегда удается. Нервно это... Вобщем даже не знаю. Нет чтобы сразу давали нормальную цену.
Вообще лучше чтобы сразу все со скидкой давали....
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