Прошлое, настоящее и будущее...

топ 100 блогов lambiel_ru14.03.2010 Новая запись в журнале Стефана
Прошлое, настоящее и будущее...

MGM Grand at Foxwoods, Connecticut, USA | March 14, 2010

The Olympic Games in Vancouver were an incredible experience for me. The moment I remember the most is when I entered the stadium with the whole Swiss delegation at the opening ceremony, carrying our flag. It was a real honor which I will never forget.

Of course, a gold medal would have made this adventure perfect but in the end, this experience taught me many many things, I’m extremely satisfied that I was able to fight like I did and I can only give a positive summary of these Olympic Games. Like I said, it’s been an incredible journey for me and I want to thank each and everyone who supported me and who believed in me. It was through these Olympics that I had the discipline to seriously take care of myself. Thus, I’m now stronger and healthier, my injury is gone and I’m enjoying every second that I am on the ice.

A year ago, when my body started to feel better, I was hoping to be able to come back to the highest level. My only goal was to compete in Vancouver; I came back for the Olympics and the Olympics only. It was my choice and I have absolutely nothing to regret. This chapter of my life is now behind me and I’m very happy and proud of everything I could realize in my career as a competitive skater. Now it’s time for me to show the rest of the world what I have inside me, it’s time to show the artist in me and I will continue to skate as long as my body allows me to. Figure skating is my life and I want to share that with all of you.

After Vancouver, I had no time to lose cause Anastacia was waiting for me in Zurich to bring down the Hallenstadion! She is an incredible woman and she’s been very inspiring during our time together at Art on Ice. Everytime we performed to In Your Eyes, there was magic going on between us. The whole show and cast was just amazing. Who said we did less in exhibitions than in competition? We saw so many triple axels and quads. Spasibo Evgeni for pushing us to the limit of our sport!

During the next few months I’ll be experiencing another adventure, touring the whole world. Check the schedule as often as possible, new show dates will be added by and by.

At the moment I’m getting ready with Shizuka, the Olympic champion of 2006, for Thin Ice. It’s gonna be really exciting and we’ll bring you some fierce moves! You can watch the shows live on the ABC Television Network. And you can vote on abc.com. Also, check out Thin Ice on Facebook or on foxwoods.com. VOTE FOR US!

Enjoy life, it’s too short to complain.

With love,



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