Jefferson Sessions
yakov_a_jerkov — 02.03.2017 Происходит какой-то совсем уж shameless shit. Вот что Sessions сказал под присягой:FRANKEN: CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week, that included information that “Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” These documents also allegedly say “there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.” Again, I’m telling you this as it’s coming out, so, you know.
But if it’s true, it’s obviously extremely serious, and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?
SESSIONS: Senator Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.
FRANKEN: Very well.
Это Sessions сказал в начале января под присягой, а сейчас выяснилось, что он в прошлом году встречался с тем же российским послом Кисляком, из-за разговоров с которым уже погорел Flynn.
Теперь защита Sessions'а вот такая.
Sarah Isgur Flores, director of public affairs for the Department of Justice, went further in a statement to BuzzFeed.И Sessions лично:
“There was absolutely nothing misleading about his answer. Last year, the Senator had over 25 conversations with foreign ambassadors as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, including the British, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Indian, Chinese, Canadian, Australian, German and Russian ambassadors,” she said. “He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign—not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee.”
Speaking with NBC, Sessions addresses the situation directly.WTF? Franken даже не спрашивал Sessions'а о том, имел ли тот личные контакты с русскими. Sessions сам почему-то вызвался заявить, что он лично никаких контактов с русскими не имел. Вот его слова еще раз:
“I have not met with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaign and those remarks are unbelievable to me and are false,” he said. “And I don’t have anything else to say about that.”
Asked if he would recuse himself from an investigation into ties between Trump’s campaign and Russia, Sessions was vague.
“I have said whenever it’s appropriate, I will recuse myself. There’s no doubt about that,” he said.
I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.Sessions не говорит о том, что он не имел контактов с русскими в качестве трамповского surrogate. Он не говорит о том, что он не обсуждал с русскими "any political campaign". Он flat out говорит "I did not have communications with the Russians".
Нет, ну елки-палки.
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