А вот еще американского народного правосудия

топ 100 блогов kilativ25.11.2021 On February 23, 2020, Ahmaud Marquez Arbery, an unarmed 25-year-old Black man, was murdered in Satilla Shores, a neighborhood near Brunswick in Glynn County, Georgia, United States. Arbery had been pursued by three White residents – Travis McMichael and his father Gregory, who were armed and in one vehicle, and William "Roddie" Bryan, who was in another vehicle and videoed the pursuit and shooting. After Travis exited his vehicle and wielded a shotgun, Travis and Arbery engaged in a physical confrontation, during which Travis shot Arbery. Police interview transcripts detailed that Gregory initiated the chase after seeing Arbery running past his house, suspecting that Arbery had committed burglary or theft in Satilla Shores, but no evidence has emerged of Arbery doing so. According to police testimony, Bryan told police that he saw the chase and joined in independently, but was not sure if Arbery had done anything wrong. Arbery had entered an under-construction house with no doors five times in five months, including once shortly before the shooting. Security camera video from inside the house showed no evidence of theft.

The Glynn County Police Department (GCPD) said the Brunswick District Attorney's Office advised them on February 23 to make no arrests, while the Brunswick District Attorney's Office denied that its top officeholders gave such advice. Waycross District Attorney George Barnhill twice advised the GCPD to make no arrests, once on February 24, before he was assigned to the case on February 27, and a second time on April 2 while announcing his intention to recuse himself from the case due to connections between his son and Gregory McMichael. Barnhill requested recusal on April 7, and the case was sent to the Atlantic District Attorney's Office on April 13. At the behest of Gregory McMichael, a local attorney provided a copy of the video of the shooting to local radio station WGIG, who posted it to their website on May 5. The video went viral, having also been posted on YouTube and Twitter. Within hours, Atlantic District Attorney Tom Durden said a grand jury would decide whether charges would be brought, and accepted an offer from Governor Brian Kemp to have the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) investigate the case.

The GBI arrested the McMichaels on May 7 and Bryan on May 21, charging them with felony murder and other crimes. Meanwhile, the case was ultimately transferred to the Cobb County District Attorney's Office. On June 4, additional evidence was presented by the prosecutor to support the murder charges, including a statement to the GBI by William Bryan that Travis McMichael said "fucking nigger" as Arbery lay dying. A grand jury subsequently indicted each of the three men on charges of malice murder, felony murder (four counts), aggravated assault (two counts), false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment. All three defendants were convicted with counts of felony murder among other charges including aggravated assault, false imprisonment, and criminal attempt to commit a felony. Travis McMichael was found guilty of the most serious charge of malice murder. All three convicted now face a minimum of life imprisonnment.

The fact that the McMichaels were not arrested until 74 days after the killing, after the video went viral, sparked debates on racial profiling in the United States. Numerous religious leaders, politicians, athletes, and other celebrities condemned the incident. The GCPD and the Brunswick District Attorney's Office were nationally criticized for their handling of the case and the delayed arrests; Georgia Attorney General Christopher M. Carr formally requested the intervention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the case on May 10, 2020, which was granted the following day. In April 2021, all three men were indicted on federal charges of one count each of interference with rights (a hate crime) and one count each of attempted kidnapping, while the McMichaels were also charged with separate counts of using firearms during a crime of violence.

В этот раз не срослось. Папа с сыном заметили выбегающего из строящегося дома некоего негра и решили его "народно задержать". Негр не стал как-то вот так сдаваться непонятно кому и решил сбежать. Его на пикапе догнали, в это время к погоне присоединился сосед, а потом начали задерживать, то есть скручивать. Негр вздумал сопртивляться, мол кто вы такие и вообще что за на. В результате был застрелен из помпового ружья. Стрелков поначалу отпустили, поскольку прокурор местный, негров тоже не любит (стрелок так вообще прямо назвал покойного "ебучим неиггером"), но замять не удалось и сегодня жюри присяжных их нашло виновными и самооборона не проканала. Теперь им грозит МИНИМУМ пожизненное. Не знаю, есть ли в Вирджинии смертная казнь, а то могут и казнить. Да, видео показало, что хотя негр (Ахмад Арбери) и бывал на стройке многократно, с неё ничего не украл. Пробежка у него там была, вот ведь незадача. Я думаю, как мы вообще все выжили в детстве, ведь все по стройкам лазали (и арматуру, было, таскали для поделок вских). Наверное, мы не были ниггерами, а вокруг не было добрых консерв-американцев.

Но вот самое интересное даже не в осуждении очевидных убийц (привет, Яков, ты хотел свежих примеров - вот тебе и), а в том, что начали мочить прокуроров, которые очень лояльно относятся к безнаказанному отстрелу "ниггеров". ОЧЕНЬ редкий случай, когда ИЗБРАННОГО окружного прокурора отдали под суд (это тетка, кстати). Она, впрочем, проиграла переизбрание в прошлом году и теперь система её точно пережуёт. Впрочем, серьезного наказания я для неё не ожидаю. "Это ж нигру убили", как говорит Яков и хрен с ним, что невиновен и вовсе не карьерный преступник, как Флойд, хотя за Аубри и числилась попытка кражи из Волмарта

In May 2020 Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr said that his office would review how the investigation into Arbery's death "was handled from the outset". At Carr's request, the GBI investigated whether District Attorney Johnson or District Attorney Barnhill's actions in connection with the appointment of a conflict prosecutor to investigate the death of Arbery constituted a crime.
In September 2021, Carr announced that the Glynn County Grand Jury indicted Johnson (who lost her bid for re-election as D.A. in November 2020) on one felony count of violation of oath of public officer and one misdemeanor count of Obstruction of a Police Officer. The charge of violation of her oath of office is for showing "favor and affection" to Greg McMichael during the investigation. The grand jury also determined that Johnson hindered Officers Oliver and Lowrey in the lawful discharge of their official duties by directing that Travis McMichael should not be placed under arrest

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