Уэссекские посетили общину сикхов в Саутхолле

The Earl and Countess are taken on a tour of the Gurdwara in Southall, one of the largest outside India. pic.twitter.com/2hr1hvaBvF
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) December 6, 2018
The Earl and Countess watch Sikh Gatka, a martial arts presentation.
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) December 6, 2018
Young people can participate in the activity as part of the physical section of the @DofE awards. pic.twitter.com/Ha1N0BBi2G
“We want to thank you for taking on the @DofE award, to be a partner with us, and to hopefully provide lots of opportunities for young people in the community.” - The Earl of Wessex pic.twitter.com/VMfzzFbqrr
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) December 6, 2018
Принц Чарльз был здесь в 2003 году