The true origins of the name of the mythical Greek ferryman carrying the souls

топ 100 блогов anti_fasmer14.12.2021 In Finniс mythology, the one who accompanies into the Kingdom of the Dead, to the underground river Toonela, is Toonekurg – the heron, the stork – Est. kurg, kure, Fin. kurki, Lapp. guorga, Nenets χǝŕo, Selkup. k͔ara, Matori körüh“the marsh crane, heron, stork” – which corresponds to the Eng. heron, Welsh garan, Old French hairon, Dan. heire.

It is noteworthy that in Egyptian mythology there was a heron named Bennu, which personified the resurrection from the dead, and was depicted on a boat with an oar.

The true origins of the name of the mythical Greek ferryman carrying the souls

In Slavic languages the verb associated with burial is хоронить, horonit’“to bury”; while the newborn children are believed to be brought back by a stork.

The true origins of the name of the mythical Greek ferryman carrying the souls

Charon, Χάρων is not a Greek name, but was incorporated into the Greek myths from older myths and believes. The Greeks already depicted him as a man, thus loosing the memory of the shamanistic connections to animals in Old Europe.

The true origins of the name of the mythical Greek ferryman carrying the souls

For more - read FINNO-EGYPTIAN CULTURAL ORIGINS OF THE OLD WORLD, by Sigurd Wettenhovi-Aspa, 1936 (346 MB)


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