Special Enterprise Programming Olympics

топ 100 блогов metaclass31.01.2012  Special Enterprise Programming Olympics [info]theiced и  Special Enterprise Programming Olympics [info]skif_by и  Special Enterprise Programming Olympics [info]artureg решили устроить соревнование на тему "какой язык программирования более адекватен в руках профессионала" и попросили придумать им задание. Поскольку синтетические задания с результатом в виде консольных утилит это скучно, а они все умеют веб хорошо, я им придумал задачку с не сильно сложным веб-приложением. Условие под катом:

Special Enterprise Programming Olympics

Problem 1:

You need to implement universal web-based application for report generation.

Application consists of:
* Database. You can use any relational DBMS you like, but you should have in mind ease of linux deployment.
* Web application deployed to your favorite web-server, app-server, whatever.
* Client-side JavaScript application working in modern browsers (>=IE7,Firefox>=5,Chrome)

* Web application must have report configuration file which contains:
** Unique system report id. Any string
** User-friendly name of report. For report titles and page headers.
** SQL query for report generation. SQL query is arbitrary and should contain parameters. SQL query will be in native format of used RDBMS.
** Query parameter description list.
Each parameter description contains parameter name, user-friendly caption,type,
output format and default value.
If you can infer parameter list from SQL query then this information is optional and
parameter list can be generated automatically.

** Query result field list. Field description should contain name, user-friendly name,
visibility flag(visible/not visible) and output format.
Field descriptions are optional - without description report should contain field
with default(returned from query) name and default output format.

* Types allowed for query parameters: integer,double,date,datetime,string,bool,decimal (money)

* Default values allowed for date or datetime parameters:
** Culture-invariant (!) string representation of any date or datetime
** If default value is prefixed with “@” then default parameter value is calculated as follows:
** @now - today (date) or current time(datetime)
** @prevmonthbeg - beginning of previous month
** @prevmonthend - end of previous month. Beware of difference in date and datetime (last day of month is 30/31, but last datetime of month is <00:00:00 01-of-nextmonth)
** @currmonthbeg - beginning of current month
** @currmonthend - end of current month
** @prevyearbeg - beginning of previous year
** @prevyearend - end of previous year
** @curryearbeg - beginning of current year
** @curryearend - end of current year

* Report configuration file will be edited once in a while based on
customers (report end-user) requirements.

Errors in configuration file format or in queries should be processed with
displaying of user-friendly error messages in client application and
error logging on server.

* Client application must show report list in any usable way(list of links, menu, tree, etc)
* Click on report must open report page which consists of:
** Report header (user-friendly report name)
** Report parameters table with user-friendly labels and editable parameters.
** "Refresh Report" button
** Report result table which is populated after click on "Refresh Report" button
or after Enter key press in any of parameter's edit controls.

* Paging or lazy result loading is not usually needed - most reports contains no more than 5 pages of data.

* When printing, report should follow the same structure as page, except for "Refresh" button.

* Report data is desirable to return in json or xml format, so it will be possible to
use wget/curl/any http client application to connect to server and get report data.

* Problem solution must contain:
** Deployment package for linux (any distro you like, but Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is preferred ). Also any deployment/configuration management system can be used.
** Deployment instructions.

Configuration file example: http://www.cacodaemon.org/content/so/ReportConfig.xml

Времени им - вообще до понедельника, но я бы добавил еще несколько дней на доработки по результатам.

Оставить комментарий

Предыдущие записи блогера :
28.01.2012 Боюсь
Архив записей в блогах:
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