Совсем охренели!

топ 100 блогов iva_no_va23.10.2011 Письма счастья уже рассылают хабибы. Салам алейкум, мол. Денюх хочите? Аллаха на них нет! 

Dear Friend,

As-salaam aliekum..... 

Please, kindly pardon me for any inconvenience this letter may cost you because I know it may come to you as a surprise as we have no previous correspondence. I got your contact as I was searching for an assistant in your country, and this is why I decided to appeal to you as a matter of urgency about a huge transfer of ($9,700,000.00) Nine Million Seven Hundred Thousand United State Dollar. But I want to first transfer $1,700.000.00 (One million seven hundred thousand USD) from this money into a safe account and after which we will transfer the remaining (8M) I have only written to seek for your indulgence and assistance. You will be providing a designated bank account of your choice. It is an unequivocal fact that we’ve not met nor communicated before but due to the true revelation that I should share this with you. 

My name is Mr Mohamed Omar Kabore, Director of integrated finance of a bank here in West Africa Thus for your indulgence and assistance (morally and financially), i propose a 45% share of the total amount to you after the transfer has been successfully effected, I need your urgent response on assurance of trust that you will not deny me my share once the fund is credited to your personal bank account as I am a poor civil servant who depends solely on monthly salary, so kindly state your interest by replying immediately via my private email ([email protected]) for further communication and there i shall furnish you with details and procedures preceding the transfer. 

Mr Mohamed Omar Kabore

Кому деньги нужны - пишите Мухамеду - я специально его адрес электронной почты не убрала. 

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