Раскрыта страшная тайная цель будущего вторжения России на Украину - посадить

Посол США в Женеве Батшеба Кроскер послал письмо представителю ООН по правам человека.
Россия на Украине расстреляет и заключит в лагеря российских и белорусских диссидентов там скрывающихся, и представителей ЛГТБ сообщества.
Просто Вова, Адмирал потоленного фашистского линкора и прочие пидарасы в прямом и плохом смысле - приготовиться!
The U.S. has sent a letter to the United Nations warning that Russian forces are creating lists of identified Ukrainians to be killed or sent to camps following a potential military occupation, according to a report.
The letter was sent from Ambassador Bathsheba Nell
Crocker, the U.S. Representative to the Office of the United
Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, to
Michelle Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
"These acts, which in past Russian operations have included
targeted killings, kidnappings/forced disappearances, unjust
detentions, and the use of torture, would likely target those who
oppose Russian actions, including Russian and Belarusian dissidents
in exile in Ukraine, journalists, and anti-corruption activists,
and vulnerable populations such as religious and ethnic minorities
and LGBTQI+ persons," the letter says, according to the Washington