Полный разбор Тунды в Greenlight

топ 100 блогов war_tundra27.02.2013 ПыСы.Нужно вам перевести на русский их текст в Гринлайте?

Поехали :)

War Thunder is an MMO combat game dedicated to World War II military aviation, armored vehicles, and fleets. Take part in all of the major combat battles, fighting with real players all over the world!

Техники нету, как и флота. Всё будет в релизе (с)

During the Beta Test more than 500 000 players had participated in more than 60 million fly-outs, spending tens of million of hours in the game; and the game has received more than thousand of updates, constantly adding new features and increasing quality of the game.

Насчёт счётчика зареганных я хз - недавно выпилили на форуме. Точно помню, что там было на русфоруме 200к.

Thunder cannot be fought by aviation alone, so the game will also expose players to combat on land and at sea.

Угу, верим..... любим и ждём...

Now, at the current stage of development all ground and naval forces are controlled by AI but later during the beta we are going to make them available for players as well as aircrafts.

Правда матка. +1 Гайджинам к правде.

The number of playable aircraft is now more than 200 and it will at least double by the release. Add to that all planes’ cockpits fully-identical to their real-life prototypes and dozens of armored vehicles and ships participating the action on huge painstakingly recreated locations of WWII theaters of war.

А реально столько и получается, вроде. Я не считал

And for maximum immersion: beautiful hi-end graphics, authentic sound effects for all engines and guns, and beautiful music – we are doing our best to help our pilots feel like they are indeed fighting a war!

В тему приглашается КрайКиттен :)

Current game state:

  1. Beta-stage, release in 2013.
  2. More than 500 000 players have participated in beta-test
  3. More than 60 million fly-outs
  4. Tens of millions hours played
Скоро релиз!!1111

Short feature list:

  1. More than 200 historical accurate planes in game
  2. Tens of different locations, hundreds of missions, thousands of upgrades and weapons
  3. Can be easily played with mouse only, but supports a lot of controllers!
  4. Varied PvP-experiences set in full-scale combat missions
  5. Multiple settings options allow advanced virtual pilots and beginners to enjoy playing the game together
  6. Rich PvE content: dynamic campaigns, solo missions, mission editor, and much more for single-player and cooperative gameplay
  7. Impressive diversity includes detailed models of planes and their cockpits, as well as tanks and ships
  8. Astonishing graphics, authentic sound effects, and beautiful music
Повторяются они как то....
Хм... РО №2???

Future plans:

  1. Controllable ground vehicels and ships
  2. Steam achievements
  3. Steam friendlists support
  4. Steam Cloud support
  5. and lots of more features and updates - visit official roadmap on game site
Статодрочеры ликуют! Т.е. получается, что лаунчер будет работать примерно как запуск КС:ГО - проверяет перед запуском хэш.
Ну а танчеги и самолётики в отдалённнных планах... Мда...

Community and gamers feedback are very important to us and so we have a lot of community related features in the game (and we will add more!).

ЫЫЫыыыыыы.... Но мы то знаем :)

Итого: Улитки не наступили на те же грабли, что и ВарЗи. Ну чутьчуть приврали, но всё в норме :)

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