Ну и кто был прав?

Russia drew criticism when it announced the world's first approved coronavirus vaccine for public use in August -- even before crucial Phase 3 trials had been completed.
In the Phase 1 and 2 studies of the vaccine, which is named Sputnik V, all 76 study participants developed antibodies to the virus that causes Covid-19, according to Friday's report in The Lancet.
The levels of neutralizing antibody response were similar to the immune response that people had after naturally recovering from Covid-19, according to the study.
The researchers also looked at responses from T cells, another component of the immune system.
"[Outcomes from] the trial also suggest the vaccines also produce a T cell response within 28 days," the researchers wrote.
Таки Спутник 5 дает нормальный имунный ответ подобный тому, который появляется у переболевших Ковидом. Появилась статья в "Ланцете" - это один из самых престижных медицинских журналов на планете.
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