Мы сидели и курили
sumka_mumi_mamy — 27.09.2017 Лисицын высказал диковинное мнение,Что, дескать, сыр вреднее, чем куренье.
Ответил Воронов: «Ну да?»
И с сыром распростился навсегда.
Senator Dupree: The warning symbol is a reminder, a reminder of the dangers of smoking cigarettes.
Nick Naylor: Well, the real demonstrated number 1 killer in America is cholesterol. And here comes Senator Finistirre whose fine state is, I regret to say, clogging the nation's arteries with Vermont Cheddar Cheese. If we want to talk numbers, how about the millions of people dying of heart attacks? Perhaps Vermont Cheddar should come with a skull and crossbones.
Thank You for Smoking
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