это пост про автомобили
ru_auto — 18.06.2015 тут один товарищ в ленте спросил про анекдот из "карты, деньги, два ствола",где "заходят в лифт женщина и карлик с чемоданом". в общем, вот он:
There's this brass standing on the corner. A dwarf walks up carrying a suitcase says,
-How much?
She says,
-A oner
He says,
-All right
Takes her to the room, says,
-Take clothes off, get on the bed
She lays down on the bed. Dwarf opens the suitcase and pulls out four springs. Puts one on each hand and foot, bounces over and gets on top of her. Boing, bouncin' up and down, boing boing, gives her the best shag she's ever had in her life. He's on her for two hours, boing boing. Bounces off after a while and it was the best fuck she has ever had in her life.
She's like,
-I'm sorry but that was just amazing, that was the best fuck I've ever had in my life. What technique d'you call that?
He says,
-Four Spring Dwarf Technique
кстати, там есть ещё один смешной. про животных
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