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топ 100 блогов kilativ29.06.2020 В общественном дискурсе борются две мега-новости: борьба за права черных и эпидемия. Вопреки мнению, что Флойд отвлек всех от эпидемии и сейчас все про неё забудут, что докажет теорию заговорунов о том, что коронавирус не опасней ОРВИ (даже не гриппа теперь!), эпидемия вернулась на первые полосы СМИ:

Only two US states are reporting a decline in new coronavirus cases compared to last week: Connecticut and Rhode Island.
A rise was reported in a staggering 36 states, including Florida, which some experts have cautioned could be the next epicenter for infections. Officials there and across the US are also warning of an increase in cases among younger people.
Florida reported 9,585 new coronavirus cases Saturday, a single-day record since the start of the pandemic. The number rivals those of New York's peak in early April (New York's new case tally Saturday was about 6% of Florida's). On Sunday, Florida's Department of Health reported another 8,530 new cases.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the state's surge in cases in the past week was the result of a "test dump," echoing an assertion from the White House that an increase in testing is resulting in the higher numbers.
The ex-head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention contended the increase was actual, not an anomaly related to testing numbers, and warned more spread and deaths were in the country's future.
In the South, the numbers are rising as a result of hasty reopenings, he said, and it's "going to continue to get worse for weeks." Deaths are not yet spiking because deaths lag infections by about a month, he said, estimating the nation will see at least 15,000 more deaths in the next month.

Если коротко, по всей стране растет число зараженных, на что республиканцы, которые для "спасения" экономики требовали снятия всех ограничений, возражают, что просто увеличилось количество тестируемых. Им возражают, что это не так и обещают рост смертности через месяц - собственно говоря именно так было в тех местах, куда мор добрался раньше.

Одновременно с этим простетуны за права черных гомопидорасов (в хорошем смысле слова.... а прочем во всех) начали понимать, что их кинули и даже минимальных изменений не будет. Ибо не они здесь власть, даже если им дали поставить на колени какое-то количество полицейских и пограбить кое-где бутики.

From coast to coast, demonstrators chanting "Black lives matter" and "no justice, no peace" united in hundreds of mostly peaceful protests, some risking their own safety. They found themselves tear gassed near the White House, allegedly assaulted by police in New York City, and shoved to the pavement by tactical teams in Buffalo.
Despite the personal risk, their voices were heard by fellow citizens and politicians alike, as demonstrators sparked a protest movement unlike anything the country has seen since the 1960s.
But it all may have been for nothing.
Partisan politics appears to have derailed any meaningful near-term reform.
In Minnesota, Floyd's death -- caught on camera by a bystander as a White police officer kneeled on Floyd's neck until he lost consciousness -- sparked a reform movement. Democratic Gov. Tim Walz responded by calling a special session of the state's legislature to address emergency policing reform measures.
Walz said reform measures would be aimed at police violence, grants for rebuilding local infrastructure, accountability and transparency.
But legislators had little to show for their efforts. Partisan entrenchment ruled the day, as the Republican-controlled Senate and Democratic-led House clashed over nearly two-dozen policing reform measures.
House Democratic efforts to end warrior-type training for officers, instill residency requirements for police officers, ban choke holds and institute voting rights for felons grinded to a halt as Senate Republicans responded with more narrow reforms.

Даже в Миннесоте реформа слилась в сортир, поскольку республиканцы контролируют сенат и без их согласия ничего не будет сделано. Да и демократы, судя по реформе, не особо много и требовали, но даже эта малость будет им отказано. Ибо ЧЕРНИ (опять во всех смыслах слово) не пристало чего-то решать за правильных белокурых бестий. Тоже самое и на федеральном уровне. Еще чего удумали - заставить мордокопых отвечать за садизм, как это принято во всех странах Европы! Только как в латиноамериканских хунтах и в Китае. Только хардкор.

In the US Senate last week, the chamber's Democratic minority successfully blocked GOP policing reform legislation they deemed inadequate. Democrats sought provisions banning the use of choke holds by police departments, which some cities around the country have unilaterally adopted. They also wanted provisions overhauling qualified immunity, a legal mechanism that largely shields police officers from civil law suits.
"(The GOP) bill is a half-assed bill that doesn't do what we should be doing, which is doing honest police reform," said Sen. Mazie Hirono, a Hawaii Democrat.
In the House, Democrats passed their own version of sweeping police reform on Thursday. The measure calls for limiting qualified immunity for police officers, prohibiting racial profiling and banning choke holds.
Despite the bill's passage on a largely party-line vote, the Senate is not expected to consider it, and President Donald Trump isn't likely to throw his support behind Democratic legislation championed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Тем временем продолжается охота на ведьм. Публичная истерия буквально со всех сторон, в которой сошлись во мнениях и республиканцы и демократы, что русские платили Талибам за убийства американцев! Приводить доказательства никто не будет, нужно верить парням с highly likely и тем, кто привел к пробиркотрястству в ООН. Ирак особенно показателен, так как это тот самый случай, когда достоверность всех этих "мы вам не расскажем откуда мы знаем, это секретно" была проверена в поле и оказалась дутой фикцией. Но пресса и права и левая, как во времена Хуссейна, трубит, что русских нужно наказать и (в зависимости от политических предпочтений) требует отставки/тюрьмы/казни Трампа или просто более жёсткой политике в отношении russkies.

И под шумок аляскинские индейцы требуют снести статую первого губернатора Аляски Баранова. Мол, он травил бедных индейцев! Между тем, Баранов, будучи женат на алеутке, травил индейцев потому, что они уничтожали алеутов, то есть местных.

The question of what we choose to honor with statues and memorials in this country has resurfaced in recent months. All over Alaska, people have been arguing for the removal of statues of European colonists because they represent a painful history of colonization for Alaska’s Native communities. And this week, conversation over a controversial memorial reemerged in Sitka.
Around 90 people gathered around a statue in front of Harrigan Centennial Hall on Tuesday [6-23-20] ahead of the city assembly meeting. The statue of Russian settler Alexander Baranov was donated to the city in 1989 and often captures the attention of tourists’ cameras.
Over the years, people have called for the statue’s removal. It’s been damaged several times. The current group of protesters is asking the city to relocate it to a less prominent spot and replace it with a more inclusive monument. Dionne Yeidikoo’aa Brady-Howard spoke about why at Tuesday’s gathering.

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