
топ 100 блогов velvetelle22.04.2024 Вчера рано утром вернулась в Вену и продолжала печь… ну почти. Купила готовое тесто и приготовила вот такую вкусную штуку на ланч.


Со спаржей, пармезаном, тархуном и козьим сыром.

Рецепт Мелиссы Кларк на английском:

Asparagus, Goat Cheese, and Tarragon Tart

Because you don’t have to make your own crust, this gorgeous asparagus-striped tart is so easy it almost feels like cheating. But it’s not—it’s just one of those perfectly simple yet stunning recipes that every French cook has in their repertoire: effortlessly chic, company-ready. Be sure to buy a good all-butter brand of puff pastry. There are so few ingredients in this recipe that each one makes an impact. If you can manage to serve this tart warm, within an hour of baking, it will be at its absolute best, with crisp pastry that shatters into buttery bits when you bite down and still-runny cheese. But it’s also excellent a few hours later, should you want to get all your baking done before your guests arrive. If tarragon isn’t your favorite herb, you can use chives, basil, or mint instead. And if you can manage to trim all the asparagus to the same length, this tart will be especially neat and orderly looking. Thinking Ahead Tart: You can assemble the tart 1 day in advance; but reserve the sprinkling of salt and grated Parmesan until right before baking. Loosely cover the tart and store it in the refrigerator.

SERVES 6 TO 8 4 ounces

(1 cup) fresh goat cheese, room temperature 1 large egg, lightly beaten, room temperature
1 large garlic clove, finely grated or minced
1½ tablespoons chopped fresh tarragon leaves, plus more for serving
½ tablespoon finely grated lemon zest
½ teaspoon fine sea salt, plus more for sprinkling
Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
1 cup (8 ounces) crème fraîche, room temperature
All-purpose flour, for dusting the work surface
1 sheet or square all-butter puff pastry, thawed if frozen (about 9 to 14 ounces; brands vary)
8 ounces thin asparagus, woody ends trimmed Extra-virgin olive oil, as needed
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese Freshly ground black pepper, to taste Crushed red pepper flakes, to taste (optional)
1½ ounces Parmesan cheese, shaved with a vegetable peeler (about ½ cup)

Heat the oven to 425°F. In a medium bowl, use a wooden spoon or a fork to mash together the goat cheese, egg, garlic, tarragon, lemon zest, salt, and nutmeg until smooth. Switch to a whisk and beat in the crème fraîche until smooth. On a lightly floured surface, roll the puff pastry out to form a 13 × 11-inch rectangle about ⅛ inch thick. Transfer the dough to a parchment-lined cookie sheet. With a sharp knife, lightly score a ½-inch border around the edges of the puff pastry. Spread the crème fraîche mixture evenly inside the scored border. Line up the asparagus spears on top, and brush them with olive oil. Sprinkle some salt and the grated Parmesan over the asparagus. Bake until the pastry is puffed and golden, 25 to 30 minutes. Let it cool on the cookie sheet for at least 15 minutes before serving (or for up to 4 hours). Then sprinkle black pepper, red pepper flakes (if using),the shaved Parmesan, tarragon leaves, and a drizzle of oil on top.

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