?71. colored manga and scanlation

топ 100 блогов ramudaderuta — 26.05.2010 Today I bring not only a coloring but also a scanlation of one of the new strips from Hetalia Vol. 3. Little Russia is just too cute to resist.

Axis Powers Hetalia ? 14

total ? 14

?71. colored manga and scanlation

?71. colored manga and scanlation
original | uncolored scanlation

?71. colored manga and scanlation
original | uncolored scanlation

*Пока is Russian for "bye bye".

Scanned by ?71. colored manga and scanlation [info]hikari_kaitou, translated by ?71. colored manga and scanlation [info]yamanaika and typeset & colored by ?71. colored manga and scanlation [info]unasuvas.
comments: Why is Russia's scarf hot pink? You could say it's for some sort of ~artistic dissonance with the tone of the comic~ OR YOU CAN JUST SAY I THOUGHT IT WAS CUTE, OKAY? ;3; (hint: it's the latter)

Also, Aniki and I might also try our hand at scanlating this FrUK strip... unless someone else plans to do so? :/a

extra icons.
?71. colored manga and scanlation ?71. colored manga and scanlation ?71. colored manga and scanlation ?71. colored manga and scanlation
?71. colored manga and scanlation ?71. colored manga and scanlation ?71. colored manga and scanlation ?71. colored manga and scanlation
?71. colored manga and scanlation ?71. colored manga and scanlation ?71. colored manga and scanlation ?71. colored manga and scanlation
?71. colored manga and scanlation ?71. colored manga and scanlation

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