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топ 100 блогов slavochkar02.09.2023

Переход от позиции "Почётный негр" в звание "африканский ньянга"...

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Все 20 лет моего свободного полёта в Африке я видел сны только о России, о своей работе в ВОНЦ АМН СССР...

И вот только прошлой ночью мне приснилось, что я под баобабом без всякой анестезии снимаю скальп какому-то диковатому чёрному парню по его просьбе... Не скальпелем, а мачете... Снял... Потом по просьбе пациента станцевал ритуальный танец вокруг дерева с его приятелями...

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Вот типа такого манера...
А ведь кажется и ни грамма не пил на ночь...
Неделю перед отпуском хирург должен прекратить свои операции ... А это у частного хирурга минус в зарплате...
Не будет больных первую неделю после возвращения - ещё нет плюсов ..
Я уже неделю только и делаю, что пишу счета за сделанную работу - меня уже тошнит от этой тягомотины..

... Завершили ...
Сегодня утром поехали в маленькую церквушку Ханнесберга - нужно попросить защиты в пути.

Было всего +8 градусов ... И туман... Странно, но над святыней "сионистов" горой Мориа тучи разошлись и дали лучам солнца осветить место моления - у них сегодня праздник

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Слева от фонарного столбы - тысячи легковых машин, справа - крыши нескольких сотен автобусов...

Мне лень было выходить из машины и снимать множество туристического вида палаток, в которых ночевали прибывшие из многих стран сионисты..

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Хорошо поют сионисты... Послушайте -

Zion City at Moria, Polokwane

For Christians who believe that the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 was a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy, see Christian Zionists. For other meanings, see Zionism (disambiguation).The worship of the lord over Easter is zealously attended, and members use whatever mode of transport they can find to get there - some come by donkey cart, others by bicycle, bus, car, taxi, train and on foot. Spoornet apparently runs a number of 20-coach high speed passenger trains the 380 kilometres between Johannesburg and Polokwane, whilst the church hires thousands of 100-passenger buses for its members. This is the time of year to avoid the N1 and the R101 from Johannesburg, as they are congested with participants who spend three days worshipping in the open, as the building at Moria is ill-equipped to cope with the numbers of people that swell its ranks.

The Star of David is the symbol of the ZCC and the two congregations that make up the church are today led by the grandsons of its founder - Barnabas Lekganyane and Saint Engenas Lekganyane. The ZCC is characterised by the emphasis it places on faith healing, purification rites, dancing, night communion, river baptism, the holy spirit, taboos and prophesying. The ZCC has members in every country in Africa, and in most countries of the Middle East.The largest Christian gathering in South Africa happens twice a year at Zion City, Moria near Polokwane at Easter and again for the September festival. The Zion Christian Church’s headquarters are at Zion City Moria (not to be confused with the underground city, mines and connected tunnels that run through the Misty Mountains in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings). This Moria, about 25 kilometres east of Polokwane, is the seat of the Zion Christian church - an entirely black denomination with over four million members formed in 1910 by Engenas Lekganyane - an indigenous church to Africa that is one of the only churches not established by evangelists from abroad.

Zionist Churches are a group of Christian denominations that sprang from the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in Zion, Illinois. Missionaries from the church came to South Africa in 1904 and among their first recruits were Pieter Louis le Roux of Wakkerstroom and Daniel Nkonyaneof Charlestown, who continued to evangelise after the Zionist missionaries left in 1908.

The Zionist Churches proliferated throughout southern Africa, and became African Independent Churches; research in 1996 suggested that 40% of all black South Africans belonged to a Zionist church.

The church is unrelated to the Jewish political movement of Zionism.

Zionist beliefs grew out of late-nineteenth and early-twentieth religious missions to southern Africa. In particular the churches owe their origins to the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church of John Alexander Dowie, based in Zion, Illinois in the United States.

A Zionist church was founded in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1895; however, the church quickly integrated into indigenous southern African life, and had an entirely African leadership within twenty years of its founding. The Zion Christian Church (or ZCC) is one of the largest African initiated churches in southern Africa, with members belonging to ZCC star and members belonging to the saint Engenas ZCC. [1] The church's headquarters are at Zion City Moria in Limpopo Province, South Africa, and the two congregations that compose the church are led by Barnabas Lekganyane and Saint Engenas Lekganyane, the grandsons of its founder.

Members of the ZCC generally believe [3] that:

  • A person is saved through acceptance of Christ and baptism in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Christian Bible, Matt 28:19).
  • A person prays to God (Jehovah, Yahweh, ...) in the name of Jesus Christ. We are all created by God.
  • Purification of sins is obtained through confession, repentance and prayer.
  • The bishop and ministers of the ZCC preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as laid out in the Bible.
  • ZCC congregation believes in Prophets and Prophecy.

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