Вести нашего городка - Eight men are facing more than 180 charges in break-ins

топ 100 блогов torontoru15.04.2019 Судя по именам ( Tamerlan TMENOV, Vladimir ANDRIANOV,...) это все бывшие сограждане
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Eight men are facing more than 180 charges in relation to residential break-and-enters that occurred across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in the last six months.

The York Regional Police Integrated Property Crime Task Force (IPCTF) began a residential break-and-enter investigation in October 2018. Collaboration with break-and-enter investigators at #1, #2, #4 and #5 districts as well as partnering GTA police services and the Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) was crucial in the success of the investigation. Over the next several months, evidence was gathered in multiple incidents leading to the arrest of eight prolific offenders by York Regional Police investigators.

In December 2018, 24-year-old Tamerlan TMENOV, from the City of Vaughan, and 53-year-old Vladimir ANDRIANOV, from the City of Toronto, were arrested by #4 District investigators while they were attempting to remove property from a residence in Vaughan.

In January 2019, 29-year-old Georgi GAGNIDZE, from the City of Toronto, was arrested by #2 District investigators for multiple residential break-and-enters. A significant amount of stolen property was recovered upon execution of search warrants.

Also in January 2019, 31-year-old Giga ODASASHVILI, from the City of Toronto, and 33-year-old Albert BROLADZE, of no fixed address, were arrested by IPCTF investigators after committing a break-and-enter in the City of Toronto.

In February 2019, 29-year-old Anzori MEFARIDZE, from the City of Toronto, 31-year-old Nikoloz SALTKHUTSISHVILI, from the City of Toronto and 35-year-old Zurabi QACHLISHVILI, from the City of Toronto, were arrested by IPCTF investigators moments after committing a break-and-enter in York Region. They appeared in the Ontario Court of Justice in Newmarket and Halton for 14 break-and-enter-related charges for bail hearings and were each released on conditions.

As part of the ongoing investigation, three search warrants were executed and evidence was gathered linking Mr. MEFARIDZE, Mr. SALTKHUTSISHVILI and Mr. QACHLISHVILI to an additional15 break and enters in York Region. On April 2, 2019, they were re-arrested and each charged with an additional 39 offences including a joint count of Participation in a Criminal Organization. Mr. MEFARIDZE and Mr. QACHLISHVILI have been held in custody and await a bail hearing.

An arrest warrant has been issued for Mr. SALTKHUTSISHVILI who is believed to have fled from Canada to Georgia by way of the Ukraine.

A total of more than 156 criminal charges have been laid on these three accused. CBSA and York Regional Police continue to work in partnership to ensure all relevant immigration issues are resolved.

For tips on how to keep your home safe and to conduct your own home security audit, visit yrp.ca and click Crime Prevention.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the York Regional Police Integrated Property Crime Task Force at 1-866-876-5423, ext.7232, or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-tips, or leave an anonymous tip online at www.1800222tips.com.

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