
топ 100 блогов kilativ19.10.2021 A man was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman on a transit train in Philadelphia last week, even as a number of witnesses failed to stop the incident or call police, authorities said.
The alleged rape occurred on the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority's Market-Frankford Line Wednesday night and was a "horrendous criminal act," SEPTA said in a statement. The public transit authority said other people on the train saw the incident and did not alert authorities.
"There were other people on the train who witnessed this horrific act, and it may have been stopped sooner if a rider called 911," SEPTA said. "SEPTA urges anyone who observes a crime being committed or any dangerous situation occurring to report it. Anyone witnessing an emergency should immediately call 911."
SEPTA spokesperson Andrew Busch said an employee in the vicinity of the incident as the train went past called police to report that "something wasn't right."
"The SEPTA employee boarded the train and saw the assault in progress and immediately called 911. That prompted an immediate response by SEPTA Transit Police, and an officer boarded the train when it arrived at the 69th Street Transportation Center," Busch said in a statement. "The officer located the suspect and the victim, and took the suspect into custody."
SEPTA General Manager Leslie Richards told reporters Monday afternoon that police arrived within three minutes.
Richards said that the employee who reported the incident acted quickly and probably didn't know exactly what they were seeing, but reported it right away.

Жуткая история. В Филадельфии прямо в поезде некий преступник насиловал женщину и НИКТО из присутствующих не только не вмешался, но даже не позвонил в 911. Полицию вызвал работник железной дороги, мельком увидивший что в поезде происходит что-то не то, на следующей станции полиция арестовала насильника. В Нью Йорке нечто подобное случилось несколько недель назад, но у нас это случилось глубокой ночью. Насильник оказался бомжом

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