удивительно законопослушный народ

топ 100 блогов ru_auto11.11.2014 Он едет на машине с сыном. За ним едет какой-то латинос который грозит ему полуавтоматическим оружием
И он еще останавливается на стоп-сигнал

Palo Alto Police Department Palo Alto Police Department, City of Palo Alto CITY
View larger photo A driver in a road rage incident brandished a semi-automatic handgun at the driver of another vehicle in the parking lot of the Stanford Shopping Center yesterday afternoon before verbally accosting him and driving away. No one was injured and the suspect is at large.
On Sunday, November 9, 2014, at about 12:10 p.m., our 24-hour dispatch center received a report of a brandishing incident that had occurred about 40 minutes earlier in the parking lot of the Stanford Shopping Center at 180 El Camino Real.
The investigation revealed that the victim, a man in his twenties, was riding as a passenger in the front seat of a vehicle being driven by his father. As they drove northbound on El Camino Real from University Avenue at about 11:30 a.m., they noticed a vehicle driving erratically behind them and following closely. As they made a left turn to head into the east parking lot of the Stanford Shopping Center, the vehicle continued to tailgate them. The victim turned around to look at the driver of the suspect vehicle, and saw him waving a black semi-automatic handgun at him.
The suspect vehicle followed the victim around to the parking lot on the north side of the shopping center. When the victim vehicle stopped for a stop sign, the suspect vehicle pulled around in front and the suspect got out of his car. The handgun was not visible at this point. As the suspect began cussing at the victim, the victim’s father put their car in reverse and drove away. The victim last saw the suspect vehicle headed northbound through the parking lot towards Sand Hill Road.
The victim described the suspect as a Hispanic male, about 25 years of age, and 5 feet 7 inches tall with a thin build. He was unshaven and had shoulder-length curly hair. He was wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt. The victim said the suspect’s vehicle was a late-1990s gold Nissan Maxima four-door. The victim had no prior known interactions with the suspect and did not know why the suspect had targeted him.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call our 24-hour dispatch center at 650-329-2413. Anonymous tips can be e-mailed to [email protected] or sent via text message or voice mail to 650-383-8984. Tips can also be submitted anonymously through our free mobile app, downloadable at bit.ly/PAPD-AppStore or bit.ly/PAPD-GooglePlay.

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