Существенная деталь

What's missing in this story, which was highlighted by The Daily Wire, is that Ngoy is an illegal alien. This is a rape committed by someone who shouldn't have been here, which I'm sure is a key detail that will be ignored by the elite press. He was here on a student visa (via Daily Wire)
Ngoy was reportedly never deported because “he received a ‘withholding of removal’ from an immigration judge in March 2019 after the Board of Immigration Appeals found that his misdemeanor sex offense was not a ‘serious crime’ that would have made him ineligible for such a stay.”
That visa expired in 2015. In the meantime, this Ngoy person has been a menace to society. He's been arrested multiple times for public intoxication, he defecated in public, and he's urinated in public. In November 2017, he groped two women outside of a homeless shelter.
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