топ 100 блогов birserg_197702.01.2022 СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД. 9

К началу нового года Stone & Stone представляет подборку статистических данных с своего сайта, показывающую самые популярные страницы книг, авторов, издателей и тематик на 2021 год. Хотя эти страницы получили наибольшее количество посетителей в течение 2021 года, имейте в виду, что измерение "обслуживаемых страниц" - это не то же самое, что определение "лучших" страниц года. Посетители могли попасть на эти страницы по разным причинам, в том числе и по чистой случайности. Точно так же книги, которые были в базе данных и доступны в течение всего года, могли собрать большее количество посетителей, чем столь же популярные книги, которые не появлялись до конца года. Итак, воспринимайте эти турнирные таблицы так, как вам нравится, но вот самые посещаемые страницы Stone & Stone за 2021 год.

Book statistics for 2021

СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД.   For the beginning of the new year we present a compilation of statistics from our website showing the most popular pages for books, authors, publishers, and subjects for 2021. While these pages received the most visitors during 2021, keep in mind that measuring "pages served" is not the same thing as determining the "best" of the year. Visitors might have reached these pages for any of a variety of reasons, including sheer accident. Likewise, books which were in the database and accessible all year long could have a amassed a greater number of visitors than equally popular books that didn't show up until late in the year. So, slice and dice these standings however you like, but here are the most visited pages at Stone & Stone for the year 2021.

Book pages most visited for books published in 2021

1. War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan. The Invasion of the South: Army Air Force Operations and the Invasion of Northern and Central Sumatra. Leiden, the Netherlands: Leiden University Press, 2021 СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД. СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД.

2. Hess, Wilhelm. Arctic Front: The Advance of Mountain Corps Norway on Murmansk, 1941. Philadelphia: Casemate, 2021 СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД. СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД.

3. McMeekin, Sean. Stalin's War: A New History of World War II. New York: Basic Books, 2021 СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД. СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД.

4. Degtev, Dmitry and Dmitry Zubov. Hitler's Strategic Bombing Offensive on the Eastern Front: Blitz Over the Volga, 1943. Barnsley, UK: Air World / Pen & Sword Books, 2021 СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД. СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД.

5. Callahan, Raymond and Daniel Marston. The 1945 Burma Campaign and the Transformation of the British Indian Army. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2021 СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД.

6. Nash, Douglas E. From the Realm of a Dying Sun, volume 3: IV. SS-Panzerkorps from Budapest to Vienna, February-May 1945. Philadelphia: Casemate, 2021

7. Shores, Christopher et al. A History of the Mediterranean Air War, 1940-1945, volume five: From the Fall of Rome to the End of the War, 1944-1945. London: Grub Street, 2021 СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД. СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД.

8. Edele, Mark. Stalinism at War: The Soviet Union in World War II. London: Bloomsbury, 2021 СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД. СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД.

9. Battistelli, Pier Paolo. Balkans 1940-41 (1): Mussolini's Fatal Blunder in the Greco-Italian War. Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing, 2021 СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД.

10. Carrier, Richard. Mussolini's Army against Greece: October 1940-April 1941. London: Routledge, 2021

11. Stephenson, Charles. Stalin's War on Japan: The Red Army's Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation, 1945. Barnsley, UK: Pen & Sword Books Ltd, 2021 СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД. СТАТИСТИКА STONE & STONE ЗА 2021 ГОД.

12. Lewis, Tom. Eagles over Darwin: American Airmen Defending Northern Australia in 1942. Kent Town, Australia: Avonmore Books, 2021

Author pages most visited

1. Robert Forczyk

2. Jason D. Mark

3. Christopher Shores

4. Rick Atkinson

5. Christer Bergstrom

6. David Glantz

7. Leo W. G. Niehorster

8. Donald A. Bertke

9. J.J. Hays

10. George Forty

11. Lee Archer

12. George F. Nafziger

13. Alfred Price

14. Joseph Balkoski

15. Gordon L. Rottman

16. Eric Hammel

17. Ken Ford

18. Antonio J. Munoz

19. Kamen Nevenkin

20. T.N. Dupuy

Publisher pages most visited

1. J. J. Fedorowicz Publishing Inc

2. Archon Books

3. Classic Publications

4. Patrick Stephens Ltd

5. Arms and Armour Press

6. Pen & Sword Books Ltd

7. R. James Bender Publishing

8. Spellmount Ltd

9. Osprey Publishing

10. Presidio Press

11. Greenwood Press and Praeger Publishers

12. The Nafziger Collection

13. Brassey's Military Books (UK)

14. Zenith Press - Motorbooks - MBI

15. Tempus Publishing

16. Westview Press

17. Airlife Publishing Ltd

18. Casemate

19. Pacifica Military History

20. Helion & Company

Subject pages most visited

1. Twelfth SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend

2. Nations at war

3. Russo-German War, 1941-1945

4. Strategic bombing of Germany and occupied Europe

5. General Mark W. Clark

6. Winston Churchill

7. Germany: Biographies and memoirs of soldiers and SS

8. General Heinz Guderian

9. Germany: International relations

10. Admiral Harold R. Stark

11. United States: Biographies and memoirs of soldiers

12. Northwest Europe campaign, 1944-1945: Biographies and memoirs

13. Germany: Unit histories of divisions

14. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

15. Lieutenant John F. Kennedy

16. Harry Truman

17. Major Richard Winters

18. Field Marshal Walther Model

19. Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt

20. Air Marshal Hugh Dowding

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