Снова о Police Brutality

Я также писал о том, что смешно, что в этот раз возмутились консерваторы.
И вот отличная иллюстрация последнего тезиса. Слово недавно помилованному Трампом Sheriff Joe Arpaio:
Sheriff Joe on FBI's Roger Stone Raid: Ive Been Busting Down Doors for 50 Years & Ive Never Sent That Many Units to the Baddest MurdererПроцитирую ответ Radley Balko:
Arpaio once sent 40 SWAT cops, a bomb robot, K9 units, and Steven Seagal to arrest a man suspected of cockfighting. Seagal drove an APC into the man's living room. They destroyed the guy's house with explosives, then filmed it all for a reality TV show.Если кто-то думает, что это преувеличение насчет Сигала и танка -- "Arizona Sheriff Uses A Tank And Steven Seagal To Arrest Cockfighting Suspect":
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is normally in the news because of his tough stance on immigration. But since Monday, the sheriff has come under some criticism for an amazing show of force.
Arpaio, reports Phoenix news station KPHO, used armored vehicles and a "tank" to execute a search warrant against Jesus Llovera, who was suspected of running a cockfighting ring.
KPHO talked to Debra Ross, one of the neighbors, who was so shocked at the show of force, she called 911.
"When the tank came in and pushed the wall over and you see what's in there, and all it is, is a bunch of chickens," Ross told KPHO.
The Sheriff's Department says the use of force was appropriate, but Llovera's attorney told KPHO that the whole thing was "a stage, to help actor Steven Seagal's TV show, Lawman."
The show was taping at the time and KPHO reports that Seagal was on the tank.

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