
In the statement, Ravnsborg said that after he crashed he called 911 to report an animal strike. Hyde County Sheriff Mike Volek responded.
Ravnsborg said he searched a ditch with his cell phone flashlight, with help from Volek, for what Ravnsborg believed was the body of a large animal — a deer perhaps — and found nothing.
What the two South Dakota state officials both missed was the body of Joseph Boever, a 55-year-old Highmore, SD man who Ravnsborg apparently struck, the state Public Safety Department confirmed to NBC News on Monday.
Генпрокурор Южной Дакоты (республиканец) сбил человека насмерть. При этом сказал, что "думал, что сбил оленя" и поискал даже в кювете, ничего не нашел и поехал дальше. Хорош, да? Бухой, вероятно, был.
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