Шведы опять ищут русскую подлодку

Шведские СМИ верещат о том, что якобы засечены сигналы бедствия с нашей подлодки близ Стокгольма. Якобы засечены сигналы между нею и передатчиком в Калининграде на частоте, применяемой в чрезвычайных ситуациях.
Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet can now reveal new sensational information about what happened before and during the ongoing military operation in the archipelago of Stockholm, where the military – in their own words – are searching for "suspected foreign activity under water".
In the official version the operation started due to the reports from a "credible source" that had seen a suspicious object on friday.
But what has not been revealed is that the National Defence Radio Establishment ("Försvarets radioanstalt", FRA) detected radio communication in Russian a day before the operation started. It was transmitted on a special frequence, used by Russia in emergency situations.
About 14 hours later, Friday the 17th october around noon, the underwater vehicle was detected and the search operation begun.
Friday night signal intelligence once again intercepted radio communication. This time it was encrypted but it was possible to determine the position of the transmitter and the reciever. The transmitter was situated somewhere in Kanholmsfjärden in the archipelago of Stockholm, and the reviever was situated in Kaliningrad, Russia.
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