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топ 100 блогов war_tundra01.07.2016 Интересные файлы нашел. Иностранный взгляд на советскую тактику во время Второй Мировой.

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The next 20% were the riders, typically "tommy gunners", who rode on the tank decks. They did battlefield recon for the tanks and dug enemy infantry out of their holes, after the tanks drove them deep. The idea was to give the defender a dilemma about whether to open fire, and at what range. If the enemy fired while the force were still at long range, the riders dismounted and went to cover, and the tanks just stood off and plastered the place with HE. If they held their fire and so remained unspotted, the tanks would come reasonably close and then the riders would dismount and get into cover near the objective. A few would then investigate under overwatch from the tanks and the rest of the men. This system was hard on the infantrymen doing it, but quite effective and very useful for the tanks. The riders got to be tough as nails, those that stood it and lived, and they were individually the best in the force.

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Shock groups and pioneers were assault specialists, "SWAT". They used tommy guns, grenades, explosives, and flamethrowers, in roughly that order. They wanted to get within 50 meters from the enemy to kill him. How they got there was roughly a third sneaking, a third cover fire, and a third balls of brass. The focus was on special equipment and using it, and the groups were kept small. Numbers were not the point. Indeed, the idea was to risk a few (suicidally brave) men rather than a whole company in the open. They worm their way up to the enemy, using the distraction afforded by the rest of the war. In major assaults they followed the pathfinders in platoon sized groups. Individual enemy positions were targeted by a squad or two, not by massing. The skill level here was generally high - the men were picked and frequently volunteers -but so were loss rates, which kept them less uniformly good than foot recon.

Взгляд со стороны интересный, много деталей, на которые обычно не обращают внимание так как они сами собой разумеющиеся для пишуших, но не для читателей.

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