Пышная роза

топ 100 блогов RossNayward — 02.05.2011

Очень красивая пышная роза. Ну.. пышной я ее назвала. :) МК на английском, но по пкартинкам можно все понять. Я когда сама лепила, не переводила, только по картинкам.

Пышная роза


You need a large rose petal cutter, a ball tool, a frill stick, paper towel and of course, gumpaste in your desired color.

Пышная роза

For the base you need 5 petals. Roll out the gumpaste fairly thick and cut out 5 shapes. Cover the 4 so they don’t dry out.

Пышная роза

Grab your frill stick and roll the petal flat. Postiton the frill stick from the pointed end and along the red lines for an even rolled petal.

Пышная роза

Use the ball tool to create lots of motion and to flatten the edges.

Пышная роза

Steal an ugly old bowl from your grandma and drape the petal over it.

Пышная роза

Give the remaining 4 petals the same treatment and postiton them over the bowl in a circle and glue them together. Be careful not to glue them to the bowl though! Make the circle as perfect as possible, as you will use the bottom layer as a guide for the shaping of the entire rose. Let it all dry for several hours.

Пышная роза

Now make one more layer of petals and glue them to the bottom layer. To shape the rose, I use folded paper towels cut in small pieces and inserted as supports. Take your sweet time to do this, but you need to get it done before it dries too much. The point is to lift the petals up from the bottom layer. Let it dry.

Пышная роза

Add one more layer. Let dry.

Пышная роза

It gives a great effect to lift one side of the petal higher than the other.

Пышная роза

And now for the last layer of 5 petals. This in the top of the rose and the petals must be close together. Use lots more paper towel for this!

Пышная роза

This is how I shaped my rose. As you can see I closed it pretty good on the top. You can make it more open if you want to.

Пышная роза

Let dry completely and carefully remove the paper towel.

И вот что получилось у меня:

Пышная роза Пышная роза


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