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Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.

топ 100 блогов clio_historia08.04.2021
Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The former German submarine UB 148 at sea, after having been surrendered to the Allies. UB-148, a small coastal submarine, was laid down during the winter of 1917 and 1918 at Bremen, Germany, but never commissioned in the Imperial German Navy. She was completing preparations for commissioning when the armistice of November 11 ended hostilities. On November 26, UB-148 was surrendered to the British at Harwich, England. Later, when the United States Navy expressed an interest in acquiring several former U-boats to use in conjunction with a Victory Bond drive, UB-148 was one of the six boats allocated for that purpose

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Interior view of a British Navy submarine under construction, Clyde and Newcastle

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Evacuation of Suvla Bay, Dardanelles, Gallipoli Peninsula, on January 1916. The Gallipoli campaign was part of an Allied effort to capture the Ottoman capital of Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul). After eight bloody months on the peninsula, Allied troops withdrew in defeat, under cover of fire from the sea

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
In the Dardanelles, the allied fleet blows up a disabled ship that interfered with navigation

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The British Aircraft Carrier HMS Argus. Converted from an ocean liner, the Argus could carry 15-18 aircraft. Commissioned at the very end of WWI, the Argus did not see any combat. The ship's hull is painted in Dazzle camouflage. Dazzle camouflage was widely used during the war years, designed to make it difficult for an enemy to estimate the range, heading, or speed of a ship, and make it a harder target - especially as seen from a submarine's periscope

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
United States Marines and Sailors posing on unidentified ship (likely either the USS Pennsylvania or USS Arizona), in 1918

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
A mine is dragged ashore on Heligoland, in the North Sea, on October 29, 1918

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
A Curtiss Model AB-2 airplane catapulted off the deck of the USS North Carolina on July 12, 1916. The first time an aircraft was ever launched by catapult from a warship while underway was from the North Carolina on November 5, 1915

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The USS Fulton (AS-1), an American submarine tender painted in Dazzle camouflage, in the Charleston South Carolina Navy Yard on November 1, 1918

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Men on deck of a ship removing ice. Original caption: "On a winters morning returning from France"

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The Rocks of Andromeda, Jaffa, and transports laden with war supplies headed out to sea in 1918. This image was taken using the Paget process, an early experiment in color photography

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Landing a 155 mm gun at Sedd-el Bahr. Warships near the Gallipoli Penninsula, Turkey during the Gallipoli Campaign

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Sailors aboard the French cruiser Amiral Aube pose for a photograph at an anvil attached to the deck

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The German battleship SMS Kaiser on parade for Kaiser Wilhelm II at Kiel, Germany, circa 1911-14

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
British submarine HMS A5. The A5 was part of the first British A-class of submarines, used in World War I for harbor defense. The A5, however, suffered an explosion only days after its commissioning in 1905, and did not participate in the war

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
U.S. Navy Yard, Washington, D.C., the Big Gun section of the shops, in 1917

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
A cat, the mascot of the HMS Queen Elizabeth, walks along the barrel of a 15-inch gun on deck, in 1915

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The USS Pocahontas, a U.S. Navy transport ship, photographed in Dazzle camouflage, in 1918. The ship was originally a German passenger liner named the Prinzess Irene. She was docked in New York at the start of the war, and seized by the U.S. when it entered the conflict in April 1917, and re-christened Pocahontas

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Last minute escape from a vessel torpedoed by a German sub. The vessel has already sunk its bow into the waves, and her stern is slowly lifting out of the water. Men can be seen sliding down ropes as the last boat is pulling away. Ca. 1917

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The Burgess Seaplane, a variant of the Dunne D.8, a tailless swept-wing biplane, in New York, being used by the New York Naval Militia, ca 1918

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
German submarines in a harbor, the caption, in German, says "Our U-Boats in a harbor". Front row (left to right): U-22, U-20 (the sub that sank the Lusitania), U-19 and U-21. Back row (left to right): U-14, U-10 and U-12

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The USS New Jersey (BB-16), a Virginia-class battleship, in camouflage coat, ca 1918

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Launching a torpedo, British Royal Navy, 1917

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
British cargo ship SS Maplewood under attack by German submarine SM U-35 on April 7, 1917, 47 nautical miles/87 km southwest of Sardinia. The U-35 participated in the entire war, becoming the most successful U-boat in WWI, sinking 224 ships, killing thousands

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Crowds on a wharf at Outer Harbour, South Australia, welcoming camouflaged troop ships bringing men home from service overseas, circa 1918

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The German cruiser SMS Emden, beached on Cocos Island in 1914. The Emden, a part of the German East Asia Squadron, attacked and sank a Russian cruiser and a French destroyer in Penang, Malaysia, in October of 1914. The Emden then set out to destroy a British radio station on Cocos Island in the Indian Ocean. During that raid, the Australian cruiser HMAS Sydney attacked and damaged the Emden, forcing it to run aground

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The German battle cruiser Seydlitz burns in the Battle of Jutland, May 31, 1916. Seydlitz was the flagship of German Vice Admiral von Hipper, who left the ship during the battle. The battle cruiser reached the port of Wilhelmshaven on own power

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
A German U-boat stranded on the South Coast of England, after surrender

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Surrender of the German fleet at Harwich, on November 20, 1918

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
German Submarine "U-10" at full speed

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Imperial German Navy's battle ship SMS Schleswig-Holstein fires a salvo during the Battle of Jutland on May 31, 1916 in the North Sea

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
"Life in the Navy", Fencing aboard a Japanese battleship, ca 1910-15

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The "Leviathan", formerly the German passenger liner "Vaterland", leaving Hoboken, New Jersey, for France. The hull of the ship is covered in Dazzle camouflage. In the spring and summer of 1918, Leviathan averaged 27 days for the round trip across the Atlantic, carrying 12,000 soldiers at a time

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Portside view of the camouflaged USS K-2 (SS-33), a K-class submarine, off Pensacola, Florida on April 12, 1916

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The complex inner machinery of a U.S. Submarine, amidships, looking aft

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The Zeebrugge Raid took place on April 23, 1918. The Royal Navy attempted to block the Belgian port of Bruges-Zeebrugge by sinking older ships in the canal entrance, to prevent German vessels from leaving port. Two ships were successfully sunk in the canal, at the cost of 583 lives. Unfortunately, the ships were sunk in the wrong place, and the canal was re-opened in days. Photograph taken in May of 1918

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Allied warships at sea, a seaplane flyby, 1915

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Russian battleship Tsesarevich, a pre-dreadnought battleship of the Imperial Russian Navy, docked, ca. 1915

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The British Grand Fleet under admiral John Jellicoe on her way to meet the Imperial German Navy's fleet for the Battle of Jutland in the North Sea on May 31, 1916

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
HMS Audacious crew board lifeboats to be taken aboard RMS Olympic, October, 1914. The Audacious was a British battleship, sunk by a German naval mine off the northern coast of Donegal, Ireland

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Wreck of the SMS Konigsberg, after the Battle of Rufiji Delta. The German cruiser was scuttled in the Rufiji Delta Tanzania River, navigable for more than 100 km before emptying into the Indian Ocean about 200 km south of Dar es Salaam

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Troop transport Sardinia, in dazzle camouflage, at a wharf during World War I

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
The Russian flagship Tsarevitch passing HMS Victory, ca. 1915

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
German submarine surrendering to the US Navy

Первая Мировая война в фотографиях: Война на море.
Sinking of the German Cruiser SMS Bluecher, in the Battle of Dogger Bank, in the North Sea, between German and British dreadnoughts, on January 24, 1915. The Bluecher sank with the loss of nearly a thousand sailors. This photo was taken from the deck of the British Cruiser Arethusia

©Alan Taylor

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