Об уровне бреда

Иглесиас написал хорошее summary одной из продвигаемых Трампом теорий:
Weird subplot — Trump thinks:В этом описании нет никакого преувеличения. Совсем.
a) Hillary improperly deleted 30,000 emails
b) But the (deleted?) emails are actually in Ukraine
c) Because the CEO of the company the DNC hired to investigate a different email hack is Ukrainian
d) But he isn’t Ukrainian!
Чуть подробнее о том же от Ben Collins:
He's saying they were "acid washed" because somebody used a program called Bleachbit, which clears hard drive space.
He simultaneously believes someone physically poured acid over her emails, and also that they might be in Ukraine, because he got his conspiracies mixed up.
I am going absolutely insane. It is impossible to tell you how far from reality each of these evermore fantastical conspiracies wind up as executive policy.
Diskdrive maintenance --> called BleachBit --> literally acid washed her emails
It is not more complicated than that!
Why does he think Hillary's emails are in Ukraine?
Crowdstrike did a forensic analysis concluding Russia did the DNC hack.
There was a rumor going around that Crowdstrike's CEO is from Ukraine. He isn't.
That's it. That's the whole thing.
Somewhere in the middle, he got the "Hillary's missing emails" conspiracy mixed up with the Crowdstrike conspiracy.
This is now him conflating three different conspiracy theories (Crowdstrike, Hillary's emails, Hunter Biden) into one narrative.Oh snap!!!
Trump just said Hillary’s emails are in Ukraine!
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Об уровне бреда
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