О банковской системе

Nearly 200 more banks may be vulnerable to the same type of
risk that took down Silicon Valley Bank: The value of the assets
they hold.
There are 186 banks across the country that could fail if
half of their depositors quickly withdraw their funds,
a new study published on the Social
Science Research Network found. Even insured depositors — those
with $250,000 or less in the bank — could have problems getting
their cash if these institutions face the sort of run that Silicon
Valley saw a week ago.
The concern is that these banks hold a significant amount of
their assets in interest-rate sensitive financial instruments like
government bonds and mortgage backed securities. The value of those
older, low-interest investments dropped sharply as the Federal
Reserve hiked interest rates over the past year.
В США назревает банковский кризис, который связан не с
сиюминутными спекуляциями, а с системным сбоем. 186 банков США не
выддержат, если клиенты психанут и начнут забирать депозиты. Деньги
находятся в низкодоходных активах, которые можно продать только с
очень большими потерями. Если свободной наличности у банка мало -
труба веревка.
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