Не все хостелы одинаково полезны: негатив про Formule1
ru_travel — 18.05.2010 Привет, коммьюнити!Вопрос драматичный, как водится - решили
Вернее сказать - сам процесс он-лайн бронирования у них построен так, что они берут детали только одного пассажира, хоть сто комнат бронируй. Ладно, сказали
Dear Sir/Madam! We had a conversation with somebody of your staff in your hotel (HotelF1 Paris Porte de Monmartre) yesterday. He gave your e-mail address to complain.
We had booked two double rooms for our group (Reservation number: 000) and we need a confirmation for each guest (4 adults and one infant 'without his own bed) of the group. However, we had received the confirmation for one person only. It is not enough and absolutely inconveniant for us - we had reserved two rooms with four beds and we had paid for all these persons who will sleep here. So, we strongly need the confirmation for each person with description of this person's neame and passport number as a response from your hotel. We do not want to change this reservation or modify it - we just need the full confirmation for each member of our group who will live in your hotel. Nevertheless, your staff do not want to help us - the only thing that we had received from them yesterday was your e-mail as an e-mail of their manager or superviser.
We want this confirmation not because of our crank - we need to provide this confirmation to the consulate to get our visas. In other case the embassy will cancel our permissions to enter your country and we cannot visit your city.
It was impossible to specify all details that we need during the on-line reservation process - your web-site recieves only one person even if you try to reserve several rooms.
Frankly speaking, Paris is only one place in our trip and in all other places (more than ten hotels and apartments in France, Spain, Germany and even in Poland) we received full comfirmations for all persons without any problems. We thought that HotelF1 is a famous net with the perfect service but we have problems with your company even before we have come.
Also, we suggest that the same problems will be with the Geneve HotelF1 (Ferney Voltaire) - Reservation number: 000
We do not ask you to do something impossible - just send us the confirmation message on the e-mail. It may be copy of your standard confirmation message but with the full list of guests:
1. ..., passport 64№...
2. ..., passport 63№...
3. ..., passport 62№...
4. ..., passport 63№...
5. ..., passport 64№...
This is really an absurd problem and we hope that you are an adequate person and can help us to find the solution.
Regards, Винни Пух и все-все-все
Дабы не утомлять читателя, кратко - прошу выслать подтверждение на всех участников
На это мне приходит ответ
Good afternoon,We understand your problem but we can't send you this document with all this name and with the passport numbers. Actually, for make that we have to modify the book's name on our computer but you make your reservation on internet for a special price. With this price on our program we can't change the name or anything else so we can't send you another one document. Further more, this is forbid for us to send some document for use with a consulate and obtain a visas. Thanks for your understanding,
Best regards, T*****, Assistant Manager
Site Etap Hotel et Hotel F1 Paris Porte de Montmartre
Опять же - вольный перевод: Привет, дружище! Как мы тебя понимаем. Только вот помогать мы тебе не станем - ибо
Ну вот что с ними делать, а? Написал я им еще раз, что
Dear T***! Thank you for your answer.
You do not need to modify something in your system - we do not need it.
Thus, you do not need to change the name or other details - just specify other passengers in rooms that we are already paid for. Also, you do not need to specify our names in your program (it is impossible as I understand) - just write your own e-mail confirmation message with description.
In other case I need to contact with your chief - I had paid my own money and I am going to get this confirmation to use the service that I had bought.
Moreover, I believe that it is a bit illegal to get money for several persons but to confirm only one. What do you think about it?
Of course you should be interested in solution too because I will post this problem on the internet, blogs and special student and tourist conferences.
So, if you do not want to help us, could you please provide contacts (e-mail and phone) of your manager - I will try to settle this problem at a higher level.
King regards, Serge
2. Просто поименуй в ответном письме всех гостей по комнатам, за которые мы уже заплатили
3. Если не хочешь - гони мобилку шефа, будем пытаться
5. Буду жаловаться в интернет,
Вопрос такой - насколько законен этот отказ?
И: ?
а) есть ли проверенный вариант получить от них желаемое без дополнительных затрат времени и нервов (нажаловаться их директору? как? в ассоциацию каких-нибудь хостелов? куда?)
б) как по-максимуму насыпать им соли под хвост, ибо - жажда мести: долгое препирательство с иногородними клерками в мои планы на удивительно
Первое - первично, второе, соответственно, вторично.
Жду, волнуюсь
UPD Дело даже не в потерянных 150 ойро на пятерых, это копейки - тут скорее дело принципа?