Контр-революция в Чешской Церкви

топ 100 блогов diak-kuraev21.11.2014 Краткое содержание пред.серий:

После смещения главы Церкви митр. Христофора местоблюстителем был избран архиеп. Симеон
Вскоре три остальных члена Синода отправили Симеона в отставку не только с поста местоблюстителя, но и с его родной кафедры в Оломоуце и вроде бы главой Чешской Церкви и пражским архиепископом был избран еп. Иоаким.

архиеп. Симеон это не признал. Кпльский патриархат и правительство Чехии - тоже.
Только Москвовская Патриархия считает вл. Иоакима каноническим главой Чешской Церкви.

подробнее: http://diak-kuraev.livejournal.com/706974.html

И вот новые события, о которых повествует письмо арх. Симеона кпльскому патриарху Варфоломею:



His All-Holiness BARTHOLOMEW
Archbishop of Constantinopole – New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch

Your All Holiness Archbishop of Constantinople - New Rome and Ecumenical
Patriarch, my dearest brother and co-servant of our littleness, Your
Excellence Bartholomew, I embrace You in the Lord and send heartfelt
greetings. I pray for Your strong health and blessing of the Lord in Your

I would like to inform You on important news in our Church in more details

As You have been unofficially informed by my spokesperson assoc.prof. Merunka the Eparchy Assembly, which is the superior body of the Eparchy of Olomouc and Brno took place on 15th. November 2014. On the Assembly 52 votes out of 56 in total (only me and another 3 people abstained from voting, none was against) gave me their explicit support. More than 2/3 of all authorized delegates were present so the condition of our Church Statute was fulfilled. On the Assembly we also elected a candidate for my vicar-bishop father archimandrite Isaiah (Slaninka). So I beg You to set the earliest date of father Isaiah’s arrival to the Ecumenical Patriarchate in order to approve his canonical qualification to become a bishop of our Church, Regarding the fact that the whole Orthodox world, headed by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, considers decisions of other bishops of the Orthodox Church of the Czech lands and Slovakia to be non-canonical and so null and void, as our Mother Church expressed in the communique from 1st. April 2014, In my humble opinion that only our Mother Church – the Ecumenical Patriarchate, who blessed us with the autocefality by Your All-Holiness‘ Tomos, is now entitled to grant canonical qualification for bishops of the Orthodox Church of the Czech lands and Slovakia. Therefore I beg Your All-Holiness to assess canonical qualification of father Isaiah and, should he meet requirements of Your All-Holiness, to grant him with canonical qualification to become a bishop. I leave it to Your consideration whether the bishop ordination should take place in the very seat of the Ecumenical Patriarchate or if it is more suitable to take place in our Church or if in our Church in unity of bishops from our sister Churches headed by a delegate of our Mother Church. Providing that Your All-Holiness and other superior hierarchs of sister Churches bless to be so. I also ask You to put a word to His Beautitude Patriarch of Jerusalem Theofilos III. as for as the question of releasing father Stefanos (Kadlec) to become a bishop candidate for our Church. After regular election according to our Church Statute, father Stefanos would, as a bishop, considerably reinforce canonical unity of our autocephalous Church.

I am now submitting a proposal for registration of my person for the vacant place of the statutor of whole Czech Church according to the Czech Republic state ecclesiastical law. The Eparchy of Prague under the command of non-canonical bishop Joachim does not recognize me as the Locum Tenens and so bishop Joachim together with the Administrator father Marek, who is in that position for almost two years now, attempted to get legal trusteeship over our Orthodox Church. They did it with a help from a big law Office which had Works for bishop Joachim and the Metochion of Russian Church in the past. An Eparchial Assembly in Prague is planned for this Saturday 22nd. November 2014. Bishop Joachim is to be‚ approved by election‘ as the archbishop of Prague. ‚Approval by election‘ is an experession which, on the advice of above mentioned law Office, bishop Joachim uses to persuade the electors that he has already become the canonical archbishop of Prague and that the Saturday’s election is not a real one but just a formality required by Czech Government. Which of course is not true.

Former metropolitan Christoforos now lives in seclusion in the monastery of Holy Transfiguration in Těšov in western Bohemia. During Divine Liturgies he commemorates Rastislav and Joachim. He is not travelling himself; his former laymen associaties are gaining support for him abroad. These people were in Ukraine, Russia and Georgia in the pas days.

The situtation in Slovakia is confused. Both local bishops Rastislav and Juraj are facing serious, and now even on official basis, questions from numerous clergymen and laymen who are trying to convoke local Eparchial Assembly.

Your humble supplicant and co-servant

Archbishop SIMEON, the bishop of Olomouc and Brno Eparchy,
Locum Tenens of the Metropolitan see of the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia
Prague, 21st. November 2014


Епархиальное собрание в Оломоуце поддержало вл. Симеона и выбрало кандидатуры для викарного епископа. Он просит рукоположить его в Кпле. Еще одного епископа он просит отпустить из иерусалимского патриархата.

Собрание в Праге будет завтра, 22 ноября.

Симеон подписывается как местоблюститель.

При этом отмечает, то бывший митр. Христофор в своем монастырском уединении поминает именно еп. Иоакима.

(когда кто-то пришлет грамотный перевод, помещу тут).

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