Когда скандализм наказуем
kilativ — 03.03.2023 Когда скандализм привел к смерти. Вот эта вот тетушка (блин, моя ровесница, 49 лет, что ж в Англии так плохо бабы выглядят??) заорала на велосипедистску, котоая ехала по тротуару, начала махать руками и велосипедистка упала от неожиданности прямо под колеса автомобиля и погибла. Скандалистке влепили трешечку. Ибо нефиг. Тротуар, кстати, как указал судья, в данном месте совмещен с велодорожкой. И да, эта овца сбежала с места аварии и как ни в чем не бывало пошла по магазинам. Не фига не раскаивалась, пока реально тюрьма не замаячила
A pedestrian has been sentenced to three years in prison after she
yelled at a cyclist who then fell into the street, was hit by a
car, and died.
In October 2020, Auriol Grey, 49, was walking on a sidewalk
in Cambridgeshire, a county in England, when Celia Ward was cycling
towards her on the same sidewalk.
Grey yelled "get off the f––ing pavement" and threw up her
arms at Ward, causing Ward to fall into the street and get hit by a
car. She died at the
scene, per a news release from Cambridgeshire Police. She
was 77.
Grey was found and arrested at her Huntingdon home. And when
talking to the police, she said she had disabilities and trouble
seeing and was afraid the bike would hit her.
On Thursday, Grey was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced
to three years in prison.
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