Хроники звиздеца с арендой
kilativ — 08.09.2022San Francisco school district asks parents to rent out spare rooms to TEACHERS because they can't afford soaring housing costs: Average price of a one-bedroom apartment soars 11% to $3,000 a month in the world's tech capital
- Milpitas Unified School District near San Jose is home to 941 staff members - and some of the highest rents in the country
- A one-bedroom apartment is now averaging $3,017 - meaning even the highest-paid teachers on $111,410 could not afford the rent
- The lowest paid teachers, earning $67,163, could only rent an apartment at a maximum value of $1,679 - impossible in the neighborhood
- Cheryl Jordan, superintendent of Milpitas Unified School District, said the rental costs were putting off prospective teachers
- The district has asked parents to rent spare rooms to teachers: so far, 34 families have said they are interested in helping out
Руководство школьного округа в Сан Франциско просит родителей
учеников помочь с арендой жилья для учителей. А вы жалуетесь - на
занавески собирают в школах! :-) И если вы думаете, что это потому
что "демократы негров с бАмжами развели", то нет. Рыночек. Всё
рыночек решает. Негры и бАмжи как раз стоимость аренды только
снижают. Без них там было бы вообще заоблачно
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