Fox News как Россия

Собственно, эти выборы - они не про Трампа (и уж тем более не про Клинтон), а про избирателей. Внезапно оказалось, что примерно треть электората находится в информационном пузыре, совершенно не прошибаемом со стороны.Что вам это напоминает, какие мысли в голову приходят? Это ведь ситуация российского электората в точности. То есть не в точности -- в случае российского электората, в пузыре находится куда больше, чем треть. И этот пузырь точно так же непробиваем.
Смоковница, которую на протяжении десятилетий старательно окапывали и обкладывали навозом, наконец-то родила сочный, жирный фрукт.
Консервативный радиокомментатор Charlie Sykes размышляет вслух:
"We've basically eliminated any of the referees, the gatekeepers. There's nobody. Let's say that Donald Trump basically makes whatever you want to say, whatever claim he wants to make. And everybody knows it's a falsehood. The big question of my audience, it is impossible for me to say that. 'By the way, you know it’s false.' And they'll say, 'Why? I saw it on Allen B. West.' Or they'll say, 'I saw it on a Facebook page.' And I'll say, 'The New York Times did a fact check.' And they'll say, 'Oh, that's The New York Times. That's bullshit.' And I have to say that's one of the disorienting realities of this political year. You can be in this alternative media reality and there is no way to break through it. And I swim up stream because if I don't say these things from some of these websites, then suddenly I have sold out. Then they'll ask what's wrong with me for not repeating these stories I know not to be true."
Я прочел очень интересную, по-моему, статью -- How Russia's New Defense Doctrine Is Like Fox News (via

Статья небольшая, рекомендую ее полностью прочитать. Я процитирую немного:
Now you may be saying, let's not be naive. The US has been destabilizing and overthrowing foreign governments forever. If it doesn't engineer coups it supports dissident groups under the guise of promoting democracy. It has media outlets like Voice of America and its various spinoffs. And the Russians have definitely thought of this too. [...]Интересно также, что трамповское "make America great again" перекликается с российской идеей вставания с колен. Единственное, в случае с Россией хоть понятно, о каком величии идет речь.
Now depending on your political persuasion you may see comparing what the US does and what Russia is now doing as an comical and fraudulent reach or as a sign of Western hypocrisy. For the moment, that's beside the point. What is key is that the Russians do see them as fundamentally comparable and see their response as a vast defensive operation against an aggressive West and its unbridled information flows.[...]
If you look at 60s Minutes in its glory days you could definitely see where the ideas of its top correspondents were more identifiably 'liberal' than 'conservative.' But was CBS News of the 1950s and 1960s 'liberal'? A bit but not really. To the degree it was it was in a pretty generic and loose way. In response, first came the Washington Times, a paper that had some good reporters but was much more like a party institution. And of course finally you had Fox News, the supposed antidote to the 'liberal media'. Of course, Fox is 'conservative' in a way that the mid-century elite media simply never was. And with generations of ref-playing what had been a vaguely establishment liberal national press ceased almost entirely to be so. Fox functions as a political organization, with agitprop and propaganda tightly aligned with the interests of the Republican party, coexisting with some solid journalists doing good work notwithstanding existing in that milieu.
My point here isn't to offer an item by item critique of conservative media. It is to paint a broad picture. From the perspective of 2016, the idea of a 'liberal media' may seem ridiculous. But it wasn't entirely ridiculous half a century ago. From the perspective of the embryonic conservative movement, there was some truth to this view. But when they set about creating their own 'counter-establishment,' they built it not only with some measure of bad faith but much more on the basis of a cartoonish caricature of institutions whose values, modes of operations and essence they really never understood. Was Brookings liberal? A bit. But not remotely like Heritage of its successor organizations. Was 1960s CBS 'liberal'? Sort of. But nothing like an agitprop organization like Fox News or the various sub-deities in the conservative media establishment.
No analogy is perfect, certainly not one that bestrides different national cultures and domestic ideological warfare versus national defense. But when the Russian military is funding vast apparatuses of alt-right Internet trolls, setting off rumors of refinery explosions on the US Gulf Coast or inveigling itself into the sectarian battles between establishment Democrats and dissident left wing groups, I believe we see some fundamental similarities. You have a threatened group (be it an ideological minority or a failing state) which stands up a counter to something that is in some ways genuinely threatens it. But because it doesn't really understand the forces, institutions, change arrayed against the counter isn't so much a mirror image as a sort of clownish caricature of it.
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