О феминизме

топ 100 блогов yakov_a_jerkov17.08.2016 Речь пойдет о Роджере Эйлзе (Roger Ailes). В ЖЖ об этом, по-моему, почти не писали, но вокруг Эйлза (CEO of Fox News с момента создания Fox News и до самого последнего времени) разгорается скандал похожий на скандал с Биллом Косби.

Уже больше 20 женщин обвинили Эйлза в сексуальных домогательствах. И в итоге Эйлз был вынужден покинуть пост CEO.

Вот подробная статья со многими ссылками об этом -- Here are the women who have publicly accused Roger Ailes of sexual harassment.

Я думаю тем, кто считает, что женщины уже добились равного положения с мужчинами, интересно будет почитать, что говорят женщины, обвиняющие Эйлза. Я приведу некоторые цитаты, но рекомендую прочесть всю статью.

Важно отметить, что многие из этих женщин -- это очень успешные в своей профессии люди, не бесправные люди без средств. Также стоит отметить, что говорят они отнюдь не только об Эйлзе.

Инциденты, о которых рассказывают пострадавие от Эйлза женщины, происходили с 60-х до последнего времени Стоит также отметить, что, так сказать, уровень этих инцидентов со временем меняется.

Привожу цитаты. Только три.
  • A former model on an incident on The Mike Douglas Show in 1967, when she was 16 years old:

  • "Ailes took me into this big office and locked the door with a key. ... He proceeded to pull down his pants and very gingerly pull out his genitals and said, ‘Kiss them.’ And they were red, like raw hamburger. ... I was a kid — I’d never seen a man’s privates before. I jumped up, but the door was locked and nobody was out there. He chased me around the office ... He said to me, ‘Don’t tell anybody about this. I’ve got it all on tape.’ I think he knew I was 16."

  • Kellie Boyle, former Republican National Committee field adviser

  • Boyle told Gabriel Sherman that when she met Ailes for dinner in 1989, he told her, "You know if you want to play with the big boys, you have to lay with the big boys."She says that after she balked at this, Ailes sabotaged a major contract offer she had lined up with the National Republican Congressional Committee (emphasis my own):

    I was so taken aback. I said, "Gosh, I didn’t know that. How would that work?" I was trying to kill time because I didn’t know if he was going to attack me. I was just talking until I could get out of the car. He said, "That’s the way it works," and he started naming other women he’d had. He said that’s how all these men in media and politics work — everyone’s got their friend. I said, "Would I have to be friends with anybody else?" And he said, "Well, you might have to give a blow job every once in a while."I told him I was going to have to think about this. He said, "No, if you don’t do it now, you know that means you won’t."

    The next morning I show up to get my assignment and was told the guy I was supposed to be meeting with was unavailable. ... A couple weeks later, I called a friend who was very high up in the RNC and I asked him what happened. He said, "Word went out you weren’t to be hired."

  • Gretchen Carlson, former Fox News anchor

  • Carlson was a well-known Fox News personality from 2005 until June 23 of this year, when her contract wasn't renewed. Her lawsuit against Ailes opened the floodgates for other women to come forward.

    Carlson alleged that in 2009, she complained about pervasive sexist treatment from her Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy — and that in response, Ailes called her a "man hater" who needs to learn to "get along with the boys."

    At various times during her employment at Fox, Carlson said Ailes repeatedly made sexist or sexual remarks, like "ogling" her and asking her to turn around so he could "view her posterior,"commenting on her legs, and saying he'd like to be stranded on a desert island with her.

    Then during a meeting with Ailes in September 2015, he allegedly said, "I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago and then you'd be good and better and I’d be good and better."

О феминизме Gretchen Carlson О феминизме Roger Ailes

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