Еще о теориях заговора
yakov_a_jerkov — 01.10.2019 Теги: Трамп Сегодня утром Трамп запостил следующее:WHO CHANGED THE LONG STANDING WHISTLEBLOWER RULES JUST BEFORE SUBMITTAL OF THE FAKE WHISTLEBLOWER REPORT? DRAIN THE SWAMP!Интересно, как это дошло до Трампа, и не только до Трампа, республиканцы в Конгрессе постили то же самое.
Началось, по-моему, с Q-people. Я попытался сейчас найти твит, в котором я в первый раз прочитал, что, как пишет тот же Kevin McCarthy:
Whistleblowers were required to provide direct, first-hand knowledge of allegations...but just days before the Ukraine whistleblower came forward, the IC secretly removed that requirement from the complaint form.В момент не нашел, но я точно по ссылке от prayingmedic в первый раз прочел это несколько дней назад.
We won’t rest until we have answers.
Затем была статья в Федералисте -- Intel Community Secretly Gutted Requirement Of First-Hand Whistleblower Knowledge.
За этим, понятно, последовали республиканские лидеры, и сегодня утром сам Трамп.
Ну, и сегодня Inspector General of the Intelligence Community пришлось дать ответ на этот бред. Напомню в очередной раз, что IG, Michael Atkinson, назначен самим Трампом.
The Disclosure of Urgent Concern form the Complainant submitted on August 12, 2019 is the same form the ICIG has had in place since May 24, 2018, which went into effect before Inspector General Atkinson entered on duty as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community on May 29, 2018, following his swearing in as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community on May 17, 2018. Although the form requests information about whether the Complainant possesses first-hand knowledge about the matter about which he or she is lodging the complaint, there is no such requirement set forth in the statute. In fact, by law the Complainant – or any individual in the Intelligence Community who wants to report information with respect to an urgent concern to the congressional intelligence committees – need not possess first-hand information in order to file a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern. The ICIG cannot add conditions to the filing of an urgent concern that do not exist in law. Since Inspector General Atkinson entered on duty as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, the ICIG has not rejected the filing of an alleged urgent concern due to a whistleblower’s lack of first-hand knowledge of the allegations.
In summary, regarding the instant matter, the whistleblower submitted the appropriate Disclosure of Urgent Concern form that was in effect as of August 12, 2019, and had been used by the ICIG since May 24, 2018. The whistleblower stated on the form that he or she possessed both first-hand and other information. The ICIG reviewed the information provided as well as other information gathered and determined that the complaint was both urgent and that it appeared credible. From the moment the ICIG received the whistleblower’s filing, the ICIG has worked to effectuate Congress’s intent, and the whistleblower’s intent, within the rule of law. The ICIG will continue in those efforts on behalf of all whistleblowers in the Intelligence Community. Президент США, во-первых, сам верит в самые дикие теории заговора, и, во-вторых, активно их популяризирует.
Лидеры республиканцев в Конгрессе не только не пытаются остановить это безумие, но и, в меру своих сил, способствуют его распространению.
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