Brooks Brothers окончательно закрыли возможность заказа с американского сайта

топ 100 блогов t_itanium13.05.2014 Совсем недавно я писал о том, что вновь появилась возможность размещать заказы на официальном американском сайте Brooks Brothers. Но лафа продлилась недолго. Теперь опять «специальный российский сайт» со «специальными ценами» х2-3 от американских и не работающие промо-коды. Можно отказаться от продолжения заказа на «специальном российском сайте» и продолжить покупки на американском сайте с американскими ценами и работающими промо-кодами. Но только до чекаута, когда цены автоматом умножатся на 2-3, переведутся в рубли, а промо-код станет не действительным. Под катом переписка постоянного клиента Brooks Brothers Рамиля с саппоротом.

…Dear Ramil,

Thank you for contacting Brooks Brothers customer service.

When shipping to Russia, we offer two shipping options, standard and express shipping. The shipping will be handled by our partner Borderfree and will be shipped to you via DHL.

If your order total is more than $2,500 USD or weighs over 60 pounds, the only shipping method that will be available will be express. This option will be provided at no charge.

The prices reflected on the website will reflect the current Ruble, pricing and is not the US price converted. Also, the prices reflected on the website will include all duties and taxes (VAT). When your credit card is charged, you will see the charge from our partner Borderfree. You will see this charge once the merchandise leaves the United States.

The shipping timeframe for in stock items will be 6-15 business days for standard delivery or 4-9 business days for express delivery., and if the items are not available, the delivery timeframe will be dependant on when the merchandise becomes available. If you have purchased a Black Fleece item, the shipping timeframe can be up to 20 days before receiving your merchandise.

Items offered on the US site may not be offered, or at the same price, on your international site due to pricing regulations. The current Friends and Family sale of 25% is currently being offered for our North American website only; however on May 14 - May 25 there will be a Friends and Family discount of 30% that will be offered for the international websites only.

Some of our international customers have orders shipped to family or friends in the US and then forwarded to their overseas address. Freight forwarding companies in the US can also arrange for delivery of international orders allowing the customer to shop the US site.

We look forward to receiving your order and please contact us if we can provide additional assistance.

International Brooks Brothers Customer Care
Monday - Sunday 7AM-12AM


I am your regular customer and subscribed to your newsletters. Recently your offered 25% promo code. I ordered several things and tried to proceed with the payment as I usually do. However, now your website does not allow me to ship goods to Russia and redirects me to the Russian website where the prices are twice as at US store and (which is more important) this promo code can not be applied. Could you please help me with this? I have never experienced this problem with your website before. And I definitely know that this is not a requirement of Russian laws or customs.

I think it is quite fraudulent behaviour to offer promos which cannot be applied.

Your prompt response would be very much appreciated.

Best regards

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