ixl_ru — 25.07.2013 Был такой удивительный момент в последней президентской избирательной кампании в США.http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505103_162-57323734/cbs-news-nj-debate-transcript-part-1/?pageNum=8
Rick Santorum: Well, obviously, the-- the issue we were talking about before which is, number one, Iran must not get a nuclear weapon. And we will go about whatever it takes to make sure that happens. I hope, I hope that some of the things that I've talked about here and-- and Newt's-- thing that I-- I've been talking about for a while, which is covert activity.
You know, there have been scientists turning up dead in Russia and in-- in Iran. There have been computer viruses. There have been problems at their facility. I hope that the United States has been involved with that. I hope that we have been doing everything we can covertly to make sure that that program doesn't-- proceed forward. And if we're lucky enough, and I'm not sure we will be, that if-- un-- no action is taken and we still don't have a nuclear Iran, that would be my laser beam focus, to make sure that would not happen.
Это, если что, сказал не какой-то сумасшедший конспиролог, а кандидат в президенты США, на общенациональном телевидении, под аплодисменты аудитории.
В общем, осторожнее надо с американцами. А то ликвидируют и глазом не моргнут.
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