20 век в фотографии. часть 4

Mobutu and Ali Talking Original Caption: Zaire President Joseph Mobuto (right) shows his elaborate walking stick to heavyweight challenger Muhammed Ali during a stroll around the gardens of the presidential palace here Oct. 28th. Ali seeks to regain the heavyweight title in bout against George Foreman here Oct. 30th. Photographer: Ron Kuntz Date Photographed: October 28, 1974 Kinshasa, Zaire

Jazz Trumpeter Louis Armstrong Playing for His Wife in Giza American jazz trumpeter Louis Armstrong plays the trumpet while his wife sits listening, with the Sphinx and one of the pyramids behind her, during a visit to the pyramids at Giza. January 28, 1961 Giza, United Arab Republic of Egypt

Private Elvis Presley Sits With Father Original caption: 8/14/1958-Memphis, Tennessee: Private Elvis Presley and his father numbed over the death of the singer's mother Mrs. Gladys Presley. She died this morning at a Memphis hospital of an apparent heart attack. Elvis, on a seven-day emergency furlough on the steps of the Presley mansion, with his father.

Hotel Demolished In Jerusalem Original caption: 7/28/1946- Jerusalem, Palestine: A view of the King David Hotel after it had been partially destroyed by a bomb blast July 22nd. Two huge explosions from mines planted in the basement by terrorists demolished the whole west wing of the hotel with a death toll of 80.

Policemen Inspecting a Crime Scene Original caption: Death Watch. New York, New York: This was the grim scene outside an amusement arcade in downtown Brooklyn after Tony LaVanchino, 17, (covered body), had been shot to death in a teen gang feud. His friend John Lombardi, 17, wounded in the hand, turns his face away from the police surrounded body. Four youths were captured: among them Carl Cintron is alleged to have fired the shots. February 24, 1959 Brooklyn, New York, New York, USA

Eleanor Roosevelt Holding a Rose Holding a rose, Eleanor
Roosevelt, widow of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, flashes a big
smile on her 76th birthday on October 11, 1960 . She was attending
an Israeli reception for United Nations delegates at the Park Lane
Hotel in New York.
Элеонора Рузвельт, держащая розу Держащая розу, Элеонора Рузвельт,
вдова президента Франклина Д. Рузвельта, широко улыбается в день
своего 76-летия 11 октября 1960 года. Она присутствовала на
израильском приеме для делегатов Организации Объединенных Наций в
отеле Park Lane в Нью-Йорке.

Yankee Stadium Opening Day Original caption: 4/18/1923-New york, NY: Yankee Stadium Opening Day-A view of the Stadium as cars are parked outside the stadium. Bronx, New York, New York, USA

Demonstrators Protesting at ITT Office in New York Original Caption: ITT Protest. New York: Demonstrators march and lie down in front of building housing ITT offices here, April 12th. The demonstrators were protesting the reported production by ITT of components used to detect sound, smell or vibration which aid in guiding bombers to targets in southeast Asia. April 12, 1972 New York, New York, USA

Atlas-F Missile Launch Original caption: A Strategic Air Command Atlas ICBM lifts from its launch pad in SAC's continuous missile testing and evaluation program. Once an unwanted piece of wasteland, this Air Force base is now the west's proving ground for push button missile weapons. ca. 1963 California, USA

Exterior View of Closed Gas Station with Posted Sign Original Caption: One of Denver's area gas stations is shown here. Most area gas stations are closed on Sundays during the gas shortage in order to conserve gas. August 6, 1973 Denver, Colorado, USA

Dance Scene From West Side Story Original Caption: 4/22/1961-Russ Tamblyn (Center, foreground) and members of his 'Jets' form a moving, swaying wall to taunt three trapped Puerto Rican Boys (l). The Puerto Ricans are members of the rival gang, 'The Sharks. This is one of the dances filmed on the sidewalks of New York City's West Side

Nixon Meets with Mao Original caption: 2/21/1972-Peking, China- President Richard M. Nixon (2nd from R) confers with Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Tse-tung (C). Others at the historic meeting included (L-R): Premier Chou En-lai; interpreter Tang Wen-sheng; and Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Nixon's national security adviser. February 21, 1972

Damage from Big Thompson River Flash Flood Original caption: Loveland, CO: A rescue worker scans the flood swollen Big Thompson River for possible flood victims where Highway #34 ends in the Big Thompson Canyon here 8/2. A flash flood killed 72 persons. 8/22/1976 Loveland, Colorado, USA

Helicopter Flying Original Caption: Munich: A helicopter, one of three carrying Arab guerillas and their Israeli hostages, takes off from a makeshift helicopter pad at the Olympic Village (Olympisches Dorf) bound for a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) air base near Munich, September 5. September 5, 1972

Overview of Spillway at Itaipu Dam Waters of the Parana River rush down the spillway of the newly-opened Itaipu Dam, the world's largest hydroelectric dam. Foz Do Iguacu, Brazil, November 4, 1982

Michael Jackson and The Jackson Five The Jackson Five singing group includes; (foreground) Michael Jackson, Marlon Jackson (behind Michael), (background, from left) Jermaine Jackson, Jackie Jackson, and Tito Jackson. January 1, 1970

Giant Replica of King Cobra Original Caption: It is this impressive fork-tongued monster - a King Cobra - that greets you as you arrive at the famed Serpentarium, at Kendall, Florida. You get your breath back soon after learning that it's just a big replica - a fake snake. Beyond the dummy cobra, all the snakes are real. Veteran snake handler W.E. Haast owns the 'snake pit' and the thousand specimens living in it. The others in the Haast family also feel at ease with the slithery creatures. Mrs. Haast directs the conducted tours at the Serpentarium and their two-year-old daughter, Naia, amazes visitors with her deft handling of the elusive fellows. June 3, 1955 Kendall, Florida, USA

View of Transport Plane Original caption: Here is the first full-flight photo of the Lockheed Hercules, a new transport designed for assignments as tough as the tasks of its mythological namesake. The Hercules, made for the US Air Force can take off from short runways with personnel or military supplies, fly higher and faster than existing military transport, discharge paratroops and airdrop cargo. It can land on rough or wet makeshift airstrips. The plane, to be known as the YC-130 has four Allison T-56 turboprop engines and develops 15,000 total horsepower. February 11, 1955 Burbank, California, USA

Woman Hides in Fear of Sniper A woman cowers in fear behind a
statue while a man lies wounded a few feet away, victim of sniper
Charles Whitman. Whitman killed a dozen people firing a rifle from
the observation deck of the University of Texas Tower in Austin.
August 1, 1966 Austin, Texas, USA
Женщина прячется в страхе перед снайпером Женщина прячется от
страха за статуей, в то время как в нескольких футах от нее лежит
раненый мужчина, жертва снайпера Чарльза Уитмена. Уитмен убил
дюжину человек, стреляя из винтовки со смотровой площадки башни
Техасского университета в Остине. 1 августа 1966 г., Остин, Техас,

Car Packing Sorority Girls Sorority sisters fro Alpha Delta Pi and Delta Zeta pack into a tiny Renault to try and set a record of 27 women in a car. Car packing was a fad that swept across America in the late 1950s and early 1960s. April 3, 1959 Sioux City, Iowa, USA

Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times, 1936 Silent film comedian Charlie Chaplin exagerates movements and actions sitting on gears in the motion picture Modern Times in 1936.

Lee Harvey Oswald in Custody Texas Rangers escort accused Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald into a Dallas police facility. November 22, 1963 Dallas, Texas, USA

Diver Inspecting Chappaquidick Accident Scene Original caption: Edgartown, Massachusetts: A frogman attempts to raise car eight hours after it plunged into pond here with Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy behind the wheel, July 19. Mary Jo Kopechne, 29, was killed in the crash. Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and received a suspended two-month jail sentence. July 19, 1969.

Cups and Saucers on Rope Walker Rope walker Dieter Tasso balances cups and saucers on his head as walks on a slack wire. March 30, 1954 New York, New York, USA

Cancer Victim Terry Fox on His Cross Canada Run Terry Fox, age 22, is running coast-to-coast across Canada on an artificial limb, after losing his right leg to cancer three years ago, in an effort to raise money to fight the killer disease. August 8, 1980 Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt at Yalta Conference February 9, 1945 On the grounds of Livadio Palace during the Yalta Conference, Soviet Premier Stalin is seated with Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt. Standing behind are Lord Leathers, Anthony Eden, Edward Stettinius, Alexander Adogan, V.M. Molotov, and Averill Harriman. Yalta, USSR