Washington Post про референдум
signor_antonio — 12.05.2014 http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/ukraines-rebels-say-they-are-seeking-a-mandate-not-independence-in-referendum/2014/05/11/ac02688a-d8dc-11e3-aae8-c2d44bd79778_story.htmlМожно перевести гуглем, много смысла не потеряется.
Такой текст из серии "и нашим и вашим"
Типа нашим:
Nonetheless, many people here — at least those who voted — will see it as a powerful expression of popular will. At the very least, the lines of voters appeared to reflect a significant protest vote against the central government in Kiev.
“Only old people are happy about it,” said Vika, a student in a technical college who was discussing the referendum with friends in a cafe and declined to give more than her first name. The elderly had grown up in a Ukraine that was part of the Soviet Union, which collapsed in 1991. “Young people go to vote because we are afraid of being killed in Horlivka,” she said.
"Молодые идет голосовать, потому что боятся, что их убьют в Горловке"
Вот это вот ваще :) Горловка - это новый украино-американский интернет мем типа Гулага? :))))
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