Война торрентов или здрасте кривые руки :)

Reporting in too.
x.x.x.94 - - [28/Aug/2010:18:59:11 +0200] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 340 "-" "uTorrent/2040(21515)"
x.x.x.94 - - [28/Aug/2010:18:59:12 +0200] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 340 "-" "uTorrent/2040(21515)"
Took me the whole afternoon debugging to finally find out what
was going on.
Trying to re-generate the bug was difficult on my client. I noticed
the tracker returned an error due to unknown torrent, but when I
started an unkown torrent on my newly installed client it just
worked perfectly.
But, I also noticed there's an IPv6 flag in the url, so I enabled
ipv6 on my test-client (Windows 7 btw) and there it was. uTorrent
spamming the tracker about every second. After disabling IPv6
again it still had the same problem.
To decrease the load on my server I've added the following to my
apache configuration:
SetEnvIf User-Agent
uTorrent\/2040\(21515\) GoAway=1
Allow From
Deny From
Because just disallowing the client didn't do the trick and still
required executing the first set of php lines. But now, after the
server returns forbidden to uTorrent it still keeps spamming.
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