Во время 2-й Мировой 17 летчиков выбросились без парашюта и ... выжили

Как утверждает одно западное интернет-издание во время 2-й Мировой войны 17 летчиков (все - члены экипажей бомбардировщиков + 1 летающая лодка) упали на землю без парашютов (термин "выбросились" в заголовке не совсем корректен - нек-рые просто падали вместе с частью развалившегося сбитого самолета) и выжили! Помог снег или деревья.
Вот список:
1 наш, 4 британца и 12 американ, немцев/итальянцев/японцев - нет (или нет по ним таких данных?)
Список без перевода:
1) Alkemade, Nick (obit 1987): Nationality and Job: British Rear Gunner; Flying: Lancaster Bomber; Drop: 18,000 feet jumping without a parachute from burning plane over Germany (24 March 1944); Survival: hit fir tree and then snow, twisted his knee! Link
2) Brophy, Patrick (obit ?): Nationality and Job: Canadian Rear Gunner; Flying: Lancaster Bomber; Drop: several thousand feet over Cambrai France; Survival: trapped in the gun turret PB was broken out on the ground, possibly upon impact with a tree and was afterwards rescued by the French resistance. Not clear if he survived in a fragment of plane or in the plane as a whole. Link
3) Bryant, Olen Cooper (obit ?): Nationality and Job: American navigator; Flying: B-24; Drop: 10,000 feet into the Italian mountains at Chiusaforte from disintegrating plane (February 1944); Survival: fell into deep snow and immediately rescued though with many breaks.
4) Chisov, Ivan (obit ?): Nationality and Job: Soviet; Flying: Ilyushin II-4; Drop: 23,000 feet onto snow after failing to open his parachute, he fell unconscious while dropping (January 1944); Survival: fell down into snowy ravine and broke several bones, immediately rescued
5) Dennison, H (obit ?): Nationality and Job: British; Flying: Halifax Bomber; Drop: Attacking Chemnitz in Germany, no details of height (5 March 1945); Survival: Came down in central part of disintegrated plane.
6) Duval, Gerald (obit ?): Nationality and Job: American Radio Operator and Gunner; Flying: B-17; Drop: ? trapped in plane that came down over Austria (February 1944); Survival: lucky fall of part of plane with John Wells. Link
7) Frechette, Arthur (obit?): Nationality and Job: American Navigator: Flying: B-17; Drop: plane began to spin at 25,000 feet over Castelfranco (Italy) and then AF was blown clear when the plane exploded; Survival: fell on snow and quickly recovered by Germans.
8) George, Ogwyn Francis (obit?): Nationality and Job: British radio operator; Flying: Sunderland Flying Boat; Drop: 3,000 feet over Norway (9 April 1940); Survival: fell through trees into ‘unusually deep snow’ and quickly rescued.
9) Gonzales, Federico (obit 2007): Nationality and Job: American Pilot; Flying: B-17; Drop: 25,000 feet over Germany (23 Jan 1945); Survival: ‘landing in a farmer’s field, still connected to a piece of the plane’. Link
10) Jones, Joe (obit?): Nationality and Job: American Tail Gunner; Flying: B17; Drop: plane shot to pieces 13,500 feet over Belgium (March 1945); Survival: pulled from the tail.
11) Koszyczarek, Erwin (obit ?): Natinoality and Job: American Tail Gunner; Flying: B-17; Dropped: mid air collision over Austria at some 25,000 feet (8 Feb 1945); Survival: apparently brought alive out of the tail ‘unhurt’.
12) Magee, Alan (obit 2003): Nationality and Job: American Ball Turret Gunner; Flying: B-17; Dropped: leapt from plane spin at uncertain height St Nazaire France (3 Jan 1943); Survival: came down on the glass roof of St Nazaire train station with broken bones and damaged face. Link
13) McGarry, Paddy (obit ?): Nationality and Job: British Navigator; Flying: Halifax Bomber; Dropped: Plane destroyed at 13,000 feet over Germany and PM jumped with non-functional parachute (January 1944); Survival: fell into a wood and presumably crashed through branches, two days before he regained consciousness and a week before he was discovered!
14) Moran, Eugene (obit ?): Nationality and Job: American Tail Gunner: Flying: B17; Dropped: At 28,000 feet over Germany the tail was blown off with EM in it (29 November 1943); Survival: he came down in the tail but had his skull crushed when the tail hit a tree moments before coming to earth, a Serbian POW doctor apparently saved EM. Link
15) Shibble, Edmund (obit ?): Nationality and Job: American Ball Turret Gunner; Flying: B17; Dropped: An attack on Koblenz in Germany (23 March 1945?) saw ES’s plane broken in two at 23,000 feet and he plummeted to earth with the front part of the plane; Survival: encased in the gun turret he left the plane with a broken back. Link
16) Stannard, William (obit ?): Nationality and Job: British Tail Gunner; Flying: Ventura; Dropped: WS’s plane was shot to pieces over Holland (May 1943) Survival: the tail ‘glided’ to the ground and WS was pulled from the wreckage.
17) Wells, John (obit ?) see Gerald Duval
Раз по нашему Ивану Чиссову у них данных нет то дополню:- его (он - штурман) ДБ-3Ф был сбит 25 января 1942 г. (а не в 1944 г., как у иностранцев) во время возвращения из бомбардировочного рейда на Варшаву, парашют не раскрылся, Иван упла на снежный склон (с 7.000 м) и по нему скользил, подобрали кавалеристы ген. Белова, отправили в тыл. После выздоровления преподавал в штурманской школе, умер в 1986 г.
Занятно, но я лично знаю полярного летчика у к-рого тоже не раскрылся парашют и он спасся благодаря глубокому снежному покрову -он жив/здоров, недавно с сыном прыгал "на Эверест" (есть такая забава там для туристов), но к вере/религии после того случая стал относиться серьезнее...
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