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топ 100 блогов roman_kr11.11.2013 "Вот же не надоело тебе это обсуждать!
Давай я наконец процитирую свой ДОНОС, все как-то собиралась, но в тему не приходилось. Поправила полторы опечатки и убрала пароль от университетского ящика, в остальном дословно.

Dear Dr. Zinigrad,

My name is Anastasiia Kazantseva, I'm a Masa student. During this term
I have lectured by Dr. Pinchas Polonsky - he tells us about the modern
problems of judaism. He has a lection called "science and religion"
where he demonstrated an unacceptable level of scientific illiteracy
and use some direct deception. I'm sure that it is a big shame for the

Today I asked one of our facilitators are there any ways to influence
to this situation, and he recommends me to write directly to you - at
least to be sure that you are informed. Shortly, Dr. Polonsky lied to
students that the theory of evolution is "scientifically rejected". He
lied that there are no evidences. He also lied that biologists are
tend to believe to "intellegent desighn" theory. To prove all that
incorrect statements, he uses the authority of his friend, biologist
M.Sherman. I have read Dr. Sherman's scientific articles and there is
no arguments against evolution, of course. I also had a intercourse in
correspondence with Dr. Polonsky and Dr. Sherman, where even Dr.
Sherman said to Dr. Polonsky that he was very incorrect about the
current stage of evolutionary research. (You can find our dialogue on
the mailbox of our Masa course ([email protected], password is
****), there are also detailed explanation from me why Dr.
Polonsky is behave anti-scientific way, but it's on Russian). It
wasn't a reason for Dr. Polonsky to apologize in front of the
audience, through.

I realize that you are not going to fire Dr. Polonsky just because he
lied to students about the science. But I would recommend you at least
to ask some Ariel biologists to heard his lection about this subject
during the next term. From my point of view, unscientific lections are
a marker of very low quality of the university, which, i hope, is not
true regarding other subjects and lecturers.

Thank you for your attention,
With kind regards,


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