Трамп -- 50%! Кто виноват?

А кто виноват в Трампе, интересуются самые разные товарищи. Я по этому поводу прочитал статью в salon.com.
Rush Limbaugh (и не он один) винит в Трампе... Обаму:
And Obama’s actually the starting point. It’s Obama’s radicalism that actually begins the process which creates a scenario where somebody like Donald Trump charges in to fill an absolutely, impossibly huge vacuum. Now, we knew who Obama was — well, I did — from even before he was inaugurated. I don’t know how many Republicans looked, or today even look at Obama as a radical anything. Many of them just see him as the latest Democrat. But he is far more than that. He is the most radical leftist that has been elected president, that has even gotten close to it. And because Obama was not stopped, because the Republican Party laid down — I’m telling, folks, Donald Trump would not have exploded. Donald Trump would not have thought to even do any of this, nor would any other outsider.Автор статьи предлагает другое объяснение:
Nah. Donald Trump ran because the climate in the GOP was ready for his abrasive, xenophobic candidacy.Один из республиканских деятелей, автор ролика про белые руки в 1990-ом году (я приводил этот ролик здесь), Alex Castellanos, говорит так:
If it hadn’t been for two decades of blurting and internet trolling, Republican voters wouldn’t have necessarily been ready for Trump. Voters needed to be primed for Trump’s lack of seriousness, as well as his nontraditional campaigning style — eschewing political traditions like decorum, dignity and seriousness and marketed with the same vigor as has been heard up and down the AM radio dial; as has been heard on Fox News Channel and via sites like Breitbart, Drudge and, yes, The National Review.
Yet, once again, another right-wing screecher is leaning on the tired old “Thanks, Obama” meme. The very fact that Limbaugh blamed Obama for Trump with the same twisted logic as Sarah Palin blaming Obama for her son’s domestic violence arrest is quite revealing. There’s significant overlap between characters like Limbaugh and party leaders like Palin and Trump. They speak the same language, and one faction enables the other.
Well, I wrote actually last August– I mean, what Rich is saying in National Review is not news. I wrote “Trump is the strongman we don’t need” August of last year, and since then, have worked to try and find alternatives. Guess what, we don’t have any. And whose fault is that? I think a lot of the fault actually belongs to the conservative intellectual leadership of America that you see in this issue of National Review. With the conservative cause that animates the Republican Party, we don’t appeal to young people, we don’t appeal to millennials, we don’t appeal to young women, we don’t appeal to minorities. We appeal to only cranky old white guys like me who end up voting for Donald Trump.Статья в "National Review", о которой он говорит, это вот -- Against Trump, если я не путаю.
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