The Infinity Machine

So we can split any infinite stream of bits into two infinite streams by separating the odd bits from the even bits. Each of those streams, in turn, can be split. And so on - so we can have a binary tree of bit streams, all of which can fit in the Machine's memory without interfering with one another.
That sounds promising, but I think with a little more structure we can do even better. Instead of splitting a stream into two, let's split it into an infinite number of substreams, like this: split the stream in two, then split one of the remaining streams in two, then split one of those two in two, and so on. So for a stream S, we have a substream S[0] containing all the bits whose indices are 1 mod 2, a substream S[1] containing the bits whose indices are 2 mod 4, S[2] with indices 4 mod 8, and so on. So any stream of bits can quickly be separated into infinitely many substreams. Better still, the substreams can be separated into sub-substreams and so on ... S[2][34][22] or whatever. The whole system has the property that any substream, at any level, can be identified by a starting index and an increment - an arithmetic progression.
There are better properties than that, though. S[0] contains all the bits whose index within S ends in a 1 when written in binary. S[1] contains the bits whose index ends in 10, S[2] the bits ending in 100, and in general S[n] contains the bits whose index within S ends in a 1 followed by n zeros. Following on from this, we find that S[i][j][k] contains the bits whose index in S ends in a 1, i zeros, a 1, j zeros, a 1, and k zeros. So given an "address" in the form of start index plus increment, we can easily compute the sequence of substream indices that led to that address from the root stream (the whole memory). In particular, we can move "up" one level, to the stream's parent, and then back "down" to find its immediate neighbours.
This, I think, would be a good basis for the Infinity Machine's memory architecture. Most data types follow naturally from this: an array is easily implemented within a stream by placing element i in S[i] - and then the array can hold infinitely many elements, and each element is of infinite size and in turn can hold anything it likes. Array elements need not be the same type - so a compiler can map names to array indices, and voilà! a structure.
An arbitrary integer can be stored in an infinite bit stream in a wide variety of ways, even ways as silly as n zeros followed by a one. It doesn't seem worth choosing one. A pointer has to be encoded as two integers, because it must specify a starting index and an increment in order to identify a substream. Because we can always find the parent stream of any substream, we can perform pointer arithmetic by finding S and i such that the pointer P describes S[i], and then constructing S[i+x] for integer x. (Interestingly, a pointer physically can't run off the bottom of its array - it would be meaningless to try to subtract from a pointer to element zero - and since the array has infinite extent it can't run off the top either. No more rogue dereferences blowing things up!)
My original vision of the Infinity Machine was that it would have a basic clock rate - perhaps 1KHz or something about as feeble - and in its basic mode it ticked along at 1KHz executing one instruction per cycle. However, one of the possible instructions would be the "infinity" instruction, the execution of which would cause its 1/1000 second clock cycle to be split into a half, a quarter, an eighth and so on, with one instruction being run in each fragment, So in a single "base" clock cycle, the Machine would execute either a single instruction or a single infinite sequence of them. After an infinite sequence terminated, control would resume at a point specified in the initial "infinity" instruction. Any bit of memory modified only finitely often by the infinite run would have a well-defined value on exit from the sequence; any bit modified infinitely often, like Ian Stewart's light switch, would have an "unpredictable" value. (This is "modified" in the strong sense of having its value changed, not in the weak sense of being written to; repeatedly writing the same value to a bit doesn't count as modification.)
This is an interesting architecture from a mathematician's point of view. It forces you to think carefully about what computations can be done in one infinite sequence, or maybe two or three. Computing a Mandelbrot set to arbitrary depth, for example, can be done happily in a single infinite sequence: you compute the points you need using increasingly high precision fixed point arithmetic, and update the result array repeatedly. For each point, there will be a precision beyond which the approximations yield the "right" answer, and so all subsequent computations at higher and higher precision will not alter the value of that pixel. So by the end of your infinite run, the results will have stabilised and will be predictable on routine exit.
As a computer scientist, however, I have a slight horror of things which won't nest to arbitrary depth. If this "infinity" instruction can turn a 1KHz clock cycle into an infinite sequence, why shouldn't it be able to do the same to any finitely long clock cycle - such as the ones inside the original infinite sequence? Then you could have a single base clock cycle, divided into infinitely many subcycles, an infinite subset of which could also be divided the same way, and so on ... the machine could run infinitely many infinite computations within a single tick.
Recreational mathematicians will probably see this as cheating. It makes it much easier to achieve a lot of things which would still have been possible with some contortion on the original restricted Machine, but robs us of the pleasure of thinking up the contortions. But the enhanced arbitrarily-nestable version makes for more interesting computer science, so I'm deliberately choosing to go with that. For the rest of this work I'll be assuming we have an extended Infinity Machine.
As an aside, here's an example of a very useful operation on the extended Machine which I believe is painful on the original: testing whether an infinite bit stream contains finitely or infinitely many ones. Take one infinite run down the stream; every time you see a zero, set the corresponding bit in an infinite workspace to 1, and every time you see a one, set the whole workspace back to 0. (The workspace starts as all 0.) Then every bit of the workspace is modified at most twice and is therefore well defined on exit. Next, set our output variable to "infinite" and take a second infinite run, in which we examine the workspace for 1s. If we find one, we set our output variable to "finite". At the end of this second run we have our answer. Now on the original Machine, this requires two infinite runs and thus takes two base cycles, but on the extended Machine it can all be done within another infinite run.
Instruction Set
Speed on the Infinity Machine isn't much of an issue, unsurprisingly. It isn't necessary to have a massive array of instructions, as long as you have a few which can have the right effects. For a while I speculated that perhaps all you needed was a few simple bit operations and the "infinity" instruction, and then you'd be able to build addition (even of arbitrarily long integers) out of an "infinity" followed by a long string of bit-ops. However, the Machine itself must have an inherent ability to do addition at a level below the instruction set, since it must increment its program counter every time it fetches a new instruction. So I think that, realistically, a "successor" operator must exist in the instruction set.
It's quite tempting to use the minimalist "register machine" instruction set: one instruction increments an integer register by 1, and the other branches if it is zero but otherwise decrements it. These two instructions, together with "halt", form a machine equivalent to a Turing machine, so with the addition of some I/O primitives and the all-important "infinity" instruction they are sufficient. For personal taste, I'd prefer to see some elementary bitwise operations (AND, OR, XOR) as well, but of course you can build an AND using an "infinity" containing adds and subtracts.
I'm not going to dwell much further on the Infinity Machine's instruction set: there is a wide range of options and I don't think it's very important which is chosen. One thing I would like to see, though, is for instructions to be infinitely long. (A program is an array, and the program counter steps along it.) This allows "load" instructions to contain their own literals, and more usefully it allows the "infinity" instruction to contain its own instruction substream.
Interrupt Handling
The Infinity Machine can execute n instructions as easily as one. In any finite-length clock cycle, be it at base level or some distance down, the Machine might choose, instead of executing the instruction in its queue, to execute a notional "infinity" instruction within which are some number of additional instructions, then the one it was supposed to execute, and then an infinite sequence of NOPs to use up the remains of the subsequence.
This provides a natural means by which the Machine can handle interrupts. At the beginning of any clock cycle, it checks to see if any interrupts are pending, and if so it runs a notional "infinity" which contains the interrupt handler(s) and the scheduled instruction. This achieves an arbitrary amount of processing in response to any interrupt, without affecting the performance of the interrupted code (since the scheduled instruction gets executed at some point during the same cycle it would otherwise have taken the whole of).
This scheme means that the maximum latency of an interrupt is twice the base clock rate: if an interrupt arrives just after the start of a base cycle which is not an "infinity", it will be serviced during a notional "infinity" in the following base cycle. Of course, if it arrives during the execution of an "infinity", the response time might be much quicker.
(It's worth noting that this interrupt scheme can be handled entirely in software, by having the Machine emulate itself at full speed. The details are left as an exercise for the reader...)
Operating System
The obvious way to run a multi-process operating system is for the OS, in every base cycle, to run an "infinity" in which it lets each process execute instructions until the process reaches a blocking system call. This allows every process to run as fast as its I/O and IPC requirements will allow it. Of course, if the process needs to perform infinite computation rather than just doing finite computations arbitrarily fast, then the process can issue its own "infinity" instructions within the OS's.
The Infinity Machine requires no hardware memory protection to implement security between processes: instead of allowing each process to run instructions directly, it would be just as quick to emulate the instructions in a process - and the emulation could provide all the memory protection and security features the OS required. Better still, the emulation could provide additions to the instruction set, and then the Machine itself wouldn't have to have a trap instruction for system calls (or INT, or SWI, or whatever you like to call it).
Although the Infinity Machine removes a lot of the programmer's traditional worries such as algorithm optimisation, OS design is not one of them. You could emulate each process in a separate virtual memory space which the process couldn't see outside, or you could emulate all processes in a shared memory space and deliberately protect each process from reads and writes by the others. In the multiple address space model, you could provide a system call to set up shared memory between processes (easily implemented without special hardware, of course: whenever a process writes to a shared area the emulator just repeats the write in all other copies of the area); in the single address space model you can provide a system call whereby a process can allow a part of its memory to be readable to another. There is still more than one way to design an OS, and there is plenty of scope for the usual holy wars about which way is best.
More frighteningly still, with the advent of inter-process communication, the time-slicing situation becomes more interesting. Suddenly it doesn't seem to be enough that a process gets one time slice every base clock cycle! If two processes are communicating, they might want to do serious communication - not just exchanging infinite amounts of data, but exchanging data infinitely often. One time slice per process per base cycle only allows a finite frequency of data exchange, and not a high frequency at that.
One IPC model that seems peculiarly well suited to this sort of work is the message-passing model. Suppose I am a process wishing to communicate with another process. I send it a message - as usual, my message is just an infinitely long bit stream - and it processes the message and returns me a result. My process has effectively yielded a part of its time slice to the other process.
For this to work in the Infinity Machine, the receiving process would have had to register the address of a message-handling function with the OS. The sending of a message is a system call, and when my process executes that system call the OS responds by running an "infinity" instruction in which it calls the other process's message handler. The result of the handler is returned to me. The time this takes out of my time slice is predictable - just one clock cycle, which itself was probably a few "infinity" sequences deep - and so I can pass data to another process arbitrarily often.
More confusingly still, the other process's message handler might respond by formulating a reply and passing it back to my message handler - so my own process is running again, during the part of my time slice I have voluntarily given up to the other process. Indeed, there's no reason why our message handlers shouldn't call one another in a bottomless recursion, passing data back and forth rather like coroutines! It may take up infinite stack space, but we have that to spare ... and it'll all be over in the blink of an eye in any case. (This bit makes my head spin, I admit.)
OS design in the Infinity Machine seems to me to be a fertile field, with plenty of design choices left which aren't rendered meaningless by the extra computing power. Many of the good old holy wars in finite OS design are still applicable, and there are new ones too. (I dread to even think about the prospect of infinitely many processes running at once...)
Programming Language and Compiler Design
The "obvious" extension to a language like C, to support the "infinity" instruction, is to introduce a new kind of block construct, infinity. This would surround a block of code and cause it to be executed within an "infinity" instruction. For example:
true = 1;
infinity {
int i, j;
for (i = 2;; i += 2) {
for (j = i-1; j > 0; j--)
if (prime(j) && prime(i-j))
if (j <= 0) /* this even number is NOT the sum of 2 primes */
true = 0;
printf("Goldbach's conjecture is %s\n", true ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
This fairly simple piece of code would establish once and for all the truth or otherwise of Goldbach's conjecture. The infinite run uses the contents of the braces, and at the end of the subdivided clock cycle, execution resumes after the last closing brace.
So far, so simple. After all, once we've swallowed the existence of an "infinity" machine instruction in the first place, it's hardly difficult to envisage an extra keyword in C to make use of it. (Although that's not the only extension to C present: notice that those innocent-looking "int i" and "int j" must be true integer variables - able to store any whole number, no matter how big. Quite where this leaves "long int" is an exercise for the reader...)
The fun begins when we consider blocking system calls in our programs, such as read(). If our program executes read() at the top level, no problem: the call will block the process until data is available and then execution will resume. But if read() is executed within an "infinity" block, then when the process resumes, it must start another "infinity" run in the next time slice to finish off the block. Since, in general, a blocking call might be (perhaps accidentally) executed arbitrarily many "infinity" levels deep, a compiler for this variant of C must have some impressive capabilities. Perhaps the compiler would output a small standard interpreter module and translate the program itself into a form acceptable to the interpreter - then the interpreter might be able to have direct knowledge of the process's time slices and take care of resuming "infinity" blocks after a task switch.
Alternatively, we could choose to disallow blocking system calls within an "infinity" block. This isn't terribly desirable either, since catching this at compile time would require a language attribute on all functions - and worse, on all function pointers, leading to the same chaos that happened when ANSI C acquired "const", as everybody scrabbled to update their programs to put the qualifiers in the right places, and inevitably lazy people ended up casting the "const" away instead of handling it properly. The only remaining solution is to forbid blocking system calls within "infinity" blocks at the OS level - have the call return EWOULDBLOCK. That's probably the lowest-effort solution, but hardly ideal...
Networking in the Infinity Machine has all the problems of IPC, without the easy availability of solutions.
We have a choice of networking models to consider in the Infinity Machine world; possibly the most obvious is the one which allows us to transfer an infinite amount of data in an instant. We'll assume that the receiving Machine will place the data in a queue and schedule an interrupt, after which the receiving process on the machine will be able to access and use the data.
The single biggest question, then, is this: is it possible for two processes on different Infinity Machines to exchange data infinitely often? Exchanging infinite amounts of data finitely often might not be enough for some applications. In the absence of security requirements, of course, one process could transfer all its data to the other, which could then perform the needed computation and return the results - but when the two processes don't trust one another, they will each want to keep some data private from the other and will therefore both need to perform parts of whatever computation is taking place. As soon as this computation becomes sufficiently complex, the processes will need to exchange data infinitely often.
We could perhaps imagine a situation in which both Machines arrange to run an "infinity" cycle at about the same time, and then they exchange data as fast as possible within this cycle. For this to allow an infinite number of data exchanges, though, it is necessary that the "infinity" cycles end at exactly the same instant: if one cycle ends before the other, then the machine whose cycle ends second will only have managed to execute a finite number of instructions.
It's difficult to prove this sort of result mathematically - and if there is one thing the Infinity Machine is it's mathematically well defined. However, I conjecture that in order for two Machines to exchange data an infinite number of times in a finite time span, the two Machines must have synchronised clocks.
(Addendum, as of 23-Jun-2001) Interestingly, there is a very useful application for two Machines exchanging data infinitely many times: it makes for a completely reliable transaction. In finite networking, to perform a transaction between two machines (in the sense that either both machines do something, or neither does, but never only one), you usually use an exchange of confirmation packets, and each machine completes the transaction if it detected no dropped packets in the exchange. This suffers from the problem that if the last packet in the sequence is dropped, the sending side will not notice, so there is always the chance of one side completing the transaction and the other side not doing so. But with two Infinity Machines, you could exchange an infinite sequence of confirmations, and each side would complete the transaction if and only if it had received an infinite number of packets. This is perfectly reliable, because at most one packet (the initiating one) is ever sent not in response to another; so if I have received an infinite number of packets, I know the other Machine must have sent an infinite number of packets; and since all but at most one of those must have been in response to one of my packets, I know the other Machine must also have received an infinite number of packets! So with 100% reliability, I complete my end of the transaction if, and only if, the other Machine completes its.
The Infinity Machine can bring all known forms of cryptography to a grinding halt, except of course for the one-time pad. Any RSA public key can be instantly inverted to find the corresponding private key, allowing signature forging and decryption. Diffie-Hellman key exchange is no better - the Machine can listen to the key exchange, quickly solve the discrete logarithm problem and obtain the session key. Hash functions can be reversed to find other plaintexts with the same hash. Even symmetric algorithms with a shared secret key aren't safe - with an appreciable amount of ciphertext and only a vague idea of the nature of the data ("ASCII text" for example), the Machine can try all possible decryption keys and see which potential plaintexts fall within the description of the real plaintext. There will probably be few enough left that choosing the right one is a matter for only a moment's thought!
One-time pads are still safe: even the Infinity Machine can't get around the fact that trying all possible one-time pads is equivalent to trying all possible messages - arbitrarily many other perfectly plausible answers will come up alongside the right one and there is no way to tell which is which.
So having brought finite cryptography to its knees, what does the Infinity Machine offer as an alternative?
Before addressing this question, I'd like to digress briefly to talk about random numbers. No finite key of any kind is safe from a listening Infinity Machine, which can try all finite keys. Therefore any viable infinite cryptosystem must require an infinite supply of random numbers. Where to get them from? Perhaps they could come from the unpredictability of any memory bit modified infinitely often within an "infinity" cycle. I said in the "Clocking" section that any such bit comes out of the other end of the cycle with an unpredictable value; possibly a good cryptographic extension to the Machine would be to have those bits be truly random rather than merely unreliable.
So it's easy to generate an infinite one-time pad: just execute the simple piece of code
bit x[]; /* infinite array of single bits */
infinity {
int i = 0;
for (;;) {
infinity {
int j;
for (j = 0;; j ++)
bit[j] = i;
i = ~i;
and you will have filled your bit array with random numbers. (Reader exercise: how might a really paranoid OS detect and prohibit the generation and use of random numbers by an unprivileged process?)
Assuming a secure channel to transmit this one-time pad through, Alice's future communications with Bob are now assured. She can select infinitely many infinite subsets of this one-time pad and never exhaust it. She need only transmit a starting position and a step size, just like addressing a substream of the Infinity Machine's memory, and Bob can pick the same substream out of his copy of the pad.
(Addendum, as of 7-Jul-2003: In fact, given an infinite one-time key you can not merely encrypt unbreakably, but you can both encrypt and MAC unforgeably in one operation. Break the one-time key into infinitely many infinite subsequences in the usual way. Take the first of these sequences, and use it to encode the first bit of the plaintext, using two bits of key at a time: set one of the first two bits of the output, chosen by a key bit, to be equal to the first bit of plaintext XORed with the second key bit. Then set one of the next two output bits, chosen by a third key bit, to be equal to the first plaintext bit XORed with a fourth key bit, and so on. So you end up with infinitely many copies of the first plaintext bit, stored in an unpredictable infinite subset of the ciphertext, XORed with never-again used bits of one-time key. Now take the second infinite key subsequence, and use it to encode the second plaintext bit infinitely many times in the remaining unused ciphertext bits in the same way, and so on. The decryptor must check every copy of every bit to provide the MAC functionality; for an attacker to correctly alter even one bit of the plaintext, they must correctly guess infinitely many key bits in order to work out which set of bits must be flipped in the ciphertext. So it is probability zero that this scheme could ever be broken.)
So that's symmetric cryptography sorted. The key must be infinite, but once it's there it's just as safe as a one-time pad and never runs out.
Asymmetric cryptography, then, is the hard part. We are going to require a function that maps an infinite bit sequence (the private key, or some preliminary value that will yield both keys) to another infinite bit sequence (the public key) non-reversibly. (For public-key cryptography, in fact we require more properties than that: we will need the transformation to be one which intrinsically also provides a means of using the public key to encrypt something that only the private key can decrypt. But let's consider the general idea of a trapdoor function first: it will provide us with secure hashing if we can manage it, and that's useful in itself.)
The problem with non-reversibility is step-by-step analysis. If the output stream contains bits whose value depends on only finitely many of the input bits, then it is vulnerable: knowing the value of that output bit allows you to rule out a lot of values for the inputs. In general, any input bit which is part of a finite set of bits that determine an output bit is weak, and if the input contains weak bits then there is a problem.
So a trapdoor function will need to be one in which each output bit depends on an infinite subset of the input bits. I can't think of anything of that kind which would also be bijective, or even close enough to bijectivity to work. Readers are invited to help out here!
(Addendum, as of 19-Aug-2006: some progress on this. Suppose you divide the space of infinite bit streams into equivalence classes such that two streams are equivalent iff their bitwise XOR is computable by a finitely long program. Suppose you then invoke the Axiom of Choice to find a representative member of each equivalence class. Then, given an input bit stream, you XOR it with the representative member for its own equivalence class, giving a computable bit stream, which you can then convert into the finite program which generates it and then generate a hash bit by ordinary finite hashing. Repeat infinitely many times, with a fresh invocation of the Axiom of Choice for each output bit, and you have an infinitely long bit stream derived from your input one. I believe even an Infinity Machine cannot invert this function, because taking into account any finite subset of the output bits does not narrow down the possible inputs to the point where they cease to be uncountable. So this looks like a workable hash function. Unfortunately, as far as I can see, each invocation of the AoC requires uncountably many bits to store its output, and uncountably many instructions to be executed to invent it in the first place, so an Infinity Machine as I've described it cannot compute the hash function either! And if you go one better and introduce an Uncountable Machine, then it can probably invert the function as well as computing it. Does this mean public trapdoor functions are infeasible on the Infinity Machine, or is there a completely different approach?)
I've presented the Infinity Machine, a mathematical definition of an infinitely fast computer system. I've explored the effects of infinite storage and infinite speed on operating system design, language design, networking and cryptography. The Infinity Machine's world is a radically different one from the one we poor finite computer programmers live in, and yet hauntingly familiar as well. It still contains unanswered questions, such as whether it would be possible to contrive any scheme of asymmetric cryptography to replace the various finite public-key systems that the Machine renders obsolete.
I hope you've enjoyed my tour of this fantasy world. I'd be fascinated to see any contributions anyone else has.
(comments to [email protected])
(thanks to Vicky Clarke for the title, and to chiark for hosting this page)
(last modified on Fri Jun 30 07:20:13 2017)
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