Тем временем в Мексике

Forensic investigators are working to determine who the remains belong to and the source of them, Baja California State Attorney General's Office communications director Bibi Méndez told CNN en Español.
The discovery of the body parts follow one of the deadliest midterm election seasons Mexico has seen in recent years, raising fears of potential violence and intimidation on election day.
According to a report by risk management firm consultancy Etellekt, 96 politicians have been assassinated since the electoral campaign began in September last year.
Victims include Alma Rosa Barragán, a mayoral candidate in the state of Guanajuato who was gunned down in the middle of a rally 12 days before the election, and Abel Murrieta, a mayoral candidate in the town of Cajeme, Sonora state and former state's attorney, who was shot and killed in broad daylight on May 13 as he handed out campaign flyers.
Представляете, если что-то подобное - 96 политиков (преимущественно оппозиция) убито в процессе избирательной кампании в Мексике - случилось бы в России? Можете представить, насколько легитимными были бы для Запада такие выборы? Здесь же - ну просто констатация факта. Ну упс, это ж Мексика, чотакого.
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