
топ 100 блогов apollo_musaget01.11.2021

There was a fair maid and she lived all alone

She lived all alone on the shore
No one could she find for to calm her sweet mind
But to wander alone on the shore, shore, shore
To wander alone on the shore

There was a brave captain who sailed a fine ship
And the weather being steady and fair
I shall die, I shall die, this dear captain did cry
If I cant have that maid on the shore, shore, shore
If I cant have that maid on the shore

After many persuasions they brought her on board
He seated her down on his chair
He invited her down to his cabin below
Farewell to all sorrow and care
Farewell to all sorrow and care

Ill sing you a song, this fair maid did cry
This captain was weeping for joy
She sang it so sweetly, so soft and completely
She sang captain and sailors to sleep
Captain and sailors to sleep

She robbed them of jewels, she robbed them of wealth
She robbed them of costly fine fare
The captains broadsword, she used as an oar
She rowed her way back to the shore, shore, shore
She rowed her way back to the shore

Oh, the men, they were mad and the men, they were sad
They were deeply sunk down in despair
To see her go away with her booty so gay
The rings and her things and her fine fare
The rings and her things and her fine fare

Well, dont be so sad and sunk down in despair
And you should have known me before
I sang you to sleep and I robbed you of wealth
Well, again Im a maid on the shore, shore, shore
Again Im a maid on the shore

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