Story Spinner

Это набор разных чатботов (а может и одинаковых). Я выбрал Story Spinner и начал кидать ему затравки для эпизодов. Ощущения - как будто играешь в "подземелья" с мастером-человеком, только без кубиков. Описываешь свой выбор или что хочешь увидеть, он генерит, что происходит.

Imagine a group of people locked inside a spacecraft with
The group of people were huddled in the darkness. They could smell
the faint scent of the xenomorphs, a mixture of chemicals and
blood. The people were holding their breath, their heartbeats
pounding in their chests.
One of them spoke in a quiet voice, "I think they're dead."
The others nodded slowly, hoping it was true.
Внезапно громкий шум доносится из вентиляции в отсеке связи

Suddenly a loud noise is
heard from the communications compartment
The people went silent as they heard the noise from the
ventilation. They moved away from the compartment, and went to
another part of the ship.
They hoped that the Xenomorphs were dead, but they couldn't be
sure. They would have to be careful!
Молодая сексуальная практикантка начинает паниковать и задыхаться от страха

A young, sexy intern
starts to panic and gasp with fear.
She couldn't believe what she was seeing! The Xenomorphs were real!
And they were here on the ship!
She turned and ran away from them, trying to find a safe place to
Unfortunately, the Xenomorphs were faster than her, and they
quickly caught up to her.
They surrounded her, and she felt herself being lifted into the
She was going to die! But there was nothing she could do about
Внезапно молодой капитан выпрыгивает из вентиляции с огнеметом наперевес!

Suddenly, a young captain
jumps out of the ventilation with a flamethrower!
He was aiming his flamethrowing at the Xenomorphs. He wanted to
kill them all, and he was going to do it!
He yelled, "Get away from her! I'm going to burn you!"
The Xenomorphs began to run away in fear.
The young captain had saved the day!
Молодая сексуальная практикантка падает в обмороке на руки капитана

The young sexy intern
faints into the captain's arms.
She was so grateful to him for saving her!
The captain gently placed her down on the floor.
"Are you okay?" he asked her.
"I think so," she said. "But those Xenomorphs were really
The captain nodded, and took her hand.
"My name is John. And yours?"
Меня зовут Алиса

"Alice, that's a beautiful name," John said, smiling at her.
He had never seen a woman as beautiful as Alice before. Her dark
hair was long and straight, and her eyes were blue as the sea.
She was so soft and feminine, and he couldn't help but feel a spark
of attraction for her.
John wanted to know more about her, and he hoped that she felt the
same way about him.
Придумай романтическое окончание, при котором капитан и девушка спасаются на спасательной капсуле

Romantic ending: Captain
and the girl escape on a rescue capsule.
John and Alice clung to each other, as the rescue capsule shot away
from the ship.
They watched the ship explode from a safe distance, and then they
turned to each other.
John looked into Alice's beautiful blue eyes and smiled.
"Well, I guess we survived," he said.
"I guess we did," Alice said, smiling back.
The end!
Я впечатлен тем, что он автоматически конвертит русскоязычные
промпты, при этом разделяя собственно придуманные ответы за
персонажей и предложения придумать что-то еще.
Я не впечатлен качеством истории, но думаю тут моя вина - и с такими чат-ботами нужно учиться быть хорошим сценаристом.
Качество текста, на мой взгляд, не шедевр, но для приключенческой прозы подойдет.
Я буду пробовать еще.
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