Special: Military Parade

топ 100 блогов world_of_ru07.05.2014

Special: Military Parade


Commemorate the end of World War II in Europe on the 8th May, 1945, on our battlefields.

From Thursday 8th May at 07:10 until Monday 12th May at 07:00 CEST (GMT +2) you will be able to benefit from the following in-game bonuses:

x5 Experience for the First Victory of the Day*

30% Discount on all Tier VI-VII Premium vehicles*

Get your mid-tier Premium vehicles with a nice discount!

15% Discount on all Tier VIII Premium vehicles*

Need credits? Get one of the best credit earners in the game for 15% less!

*Please note that the premium vehicles discounted in this event will also be available in the Premium Shop in special bundles until the event ends. All active discounts will be valid in these bundles both for the vehicles themselves, as well as for any other corresponding goods that are subject to a discount at the same time.

30% Discount on all standard Tier VI-VII vehicles

Climb higher on the tech tree while cutting the costs!

Discount on Premium Account:

Premium Account


Premium account: 1 year

15% off

Premium account: half year

15% off

Premium account: 7 days

680 Gold (was 1,250)

Premium account: 3 days

350  Gold (was 650)

50% Discount on Equipment

Boost your tank’s performance at half the usual price!

50% Discount on all Consumables

Restock your consumable reserves!

50% Discount on Skill Reset

Fix your crew’s skills for 50% less!

50% Discount on Crew (Re-)Training

Train new crews or assign them to new vehicles at half the price!

Up to 50% discount on Camouflage and Emblems

Personalise your vehicles for less!


Gifts for Celebration


  • 5 x Large Repair Kit

  • 5 x Large First Aid Kit

  • 5 x Automatic Fire Extinguisher


  • Once per account


  • Log-in to the game during the event

Victory March




  • Tier IV or above only

  • Random, Team and Historical Battles only

  • 3 times per day


  • Win a total of 5 battles

Roll onto the parade ground, Commanders!

Source Link


PS. Переводить лень. Вникайте, тут ничего сложного нет.

Нечто похожее следует ожидать и на RU-сегменте.

И небольшой бонус:

Special: Military Parade

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